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Thursday, September 5, 2024

My Soul waits for the LORD -Homily Wednesday Sept 4, 2024

psalmist sings - “Our Soul is waiting for the Lord.” It is a truth so basic to our humanity, but in our human faults of pride and selfishness, we cant realize that truth.

We know something is missing. We look for something more in our lifeIt may be called by different namesmeaning, purpose, or satisfaction. It is the realness we need from this life

We look where we should not be looking. We look to a certain places, certain things, and even certain people.

Thats what Paul was telling the Corinthians. Friends your looking in the wrong place. Some were looking to Paul as the answer. Others preferred Apollos. (1 Cor 3)

Those Christians of Corinth didnt have focus. They didnt have center.

Paul blames it on the immaturity of their faith. He has been feeding their faith and scripture as you would feed a child milk. That seemed to be what they liked. Some liked Pauls brand of milk. Some liked Apollos brand of baby food

They were not ready for solid food. They were not ready for a mature faith. So, the people of that early Christian community of Corinth were looking in the wrong place, looking to the wrong person, and looking to the wrong things.

They should have been looking to God. God should have been center of their faith. Not the preacher. Not the evangelistMaybe, they did not know how to find that center. So they looked in the wrong places. They were merely being human.

The imperfection and fault of humanity is our our follyWe live our life as if there is something more important is to be found outside of Christ. Even though God is always with us and always drawing nearer to us, we find it hard to stay close to the Father.

We find ourselves off course. We either have not found or have lost our center in relation to God. Maybe, something flashy catches our eye or a new trend becomes popularA new hip worship service, a flashy preacher, or a new church building that all the movers and shakers attend. They can cause us lose focus by taking our eyes and heart off God

Despite what our human ideas and thoughts, God has not changed. Gods desire for has not wained. How do we return our focus to that?

Follow me.” says Jesus. Follow Jesus to his center, just like the crowds in the gospel.  

After he healed the sick, touched the wounded, cast out demons, and fed the multitudes - Jesus went to a quite place to pray. The crowds followed him. Those who were paying attention found that Jesuswas focused on prayer. Jesus turned to prayer for the strength, love, and presence of God the Father.

The realness people are looking for - meaning, purpose, and satisfaction  - in this earthly life can be found with prayer. From that center we can realize the love and presence of God which is our meaning, our purpose, and our satisfaction.

Our Soul is waiting for the Lord.



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Lilly’s Pizza a Homily for the 20th Sunday OTB

Praise God! Praise be to Jesus Christ, fore ever and ever. Amen!

Paul’s advice to the Ephesians is for all of us, “ be careful about the sort of lives you live. Live like intelligent not foolish people…, recognize the will of God… “

As a Deacon, I take that to heart. With a family, a job, and as a Deacon and Spiritual Director, I see God speaking to people and the world in everyday things.

I am always amazed at faith perceived through the innocence of a child’s eyes and wonder at their understanding of the profound. It can be a wisdom that is often more than the wisdom of adults tarnished by worldly bias. 

I share this perspective from one of my new “grand loves” Lillian. 

Since Lillian has become part of my family, she loves to come to mass. She takes in all that happens around her. She is learning her prayers. She loves to sing. She asks questions. 

“… filled with the spirit…, singing and playing psalms and hymns to the Lord with all your hearts, giving thanks always and for everything.”

One evening, a couple of months ago, my daughter Sarah’s family was eating pizza at Johnny’s. Sarah asked who would like to say the blessing. Lillian volunteered. She holds up a piece of pepperoni from the pizza and prays just as she has heard Father pray. “This is Jesus’s body?”

She was not exactly right; but she is also a long way from being wrong. I will explain that a little bit later.

But in truth, not many understand the Eucharist. Non-Christians have not idea and cannot grasp the mystery. Many Christians do not understand and believe it is only a symbol. Sadly, even those who say they are Catholic do not believe in the real presence.

In the gospel, Jesus said, “I am the living bread that comes down from heaven, anyone who eats this bread will live forever,”

And the Jews became enraged. 

The reason was simple, they were full of pride. They lacked true wisdom. They could not comprehend what Christ meant. They refused to be humbled and surrender their ego and pride in order to become wise in the ways of God.

Sound familiar? It sounds like the wisdom of people today. People, who think that in the broken faults of human pride and ego, constrained by limited human wisdom; they can comprehend the infinite vastness that is the wisdom of God. 

They take their human experience and try to understand the mystery that is God. It was bread and grape juice. Jesus would not give anyone wine. God would not give you his body to eat and blood to drink. What kind of a person would not do that?

For many, it has become their truth. Sadly, even those who profess themselves Catholic do not believe Jesus' words. People choose to accept what they think they can handle. So to many Christians, the bread and wine are just a symbol. 

Unless they change their minds and hearts to welcome Christ completely, it will be nothing more than a symbol to them. For the true believer, the truth of the Blessed Sacrament begins with the simple fact that the Eucharist is not a thing. 

It is a person.  

That fact and this gospel is why this son of a Baptist preacher stands before you as a Catholic Deacon. I believed when Jesus said “I am the living bread that comes down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever.”

The way one comes forward to receive Christ can show the truth in their heart. We who believe prepare ourselves properly because we know that we are in the divine presence of Christ. We who believe come to the Eucharist with reverence. We who believe are blessed to receive such a precious privilege. 

  • Coming forward, we are saying yes I believe. 

  • Coming forward, we are saying yes to Jesus. 

  • Coming forward, we are saying yes to eternal life

  • Come forward, taste and see the goodness of the Lord, the power of Christ

  • Coming forward, receiving the Blessed Sacrament, the body and blood of Christ, opens our hearts and souls to the experience of the divine.

Lillian held up that pepperoni with the purity of childhood innocence and prayed “This is Jesus‘s body.” She was not exactly right. Neither pepperoni or pizza can be the blessed sacrament, unless Christ himself said it was so..

She is truly right in her desire for Jesus. She strives to know and understand all about Jesus, faith, and the Eucharist. She is coming forward with a beginner’s mind that is not tarnish by the world or belief stifled by ego and pride.  

That is why the innocent and profundity of that 6 year old’s prayer is something we should all have. The innocence of the beginner’s is to believe.  

“Believe me” Jesus said, “unless you change your whole outlook and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.”

Come in the awe and wonder of experiencing Jesus for the first time. Come to mass for the first time every time and realize the smells, sounds, and sights of the Church. 

Come receive the blessed sacrament in the purity and innocence of a child. Come with a beginner's mind that is not tarnished by the world or our own egos. 

Come for the precious privilege to receive the true body and blood of Christ. Come for the profound and divine experience of Christ. Come, receive the Eucharist as if you are receiving it for the first time.

Forsake foolishness so you may live, in the innocence of a beginners mind, come and receive the Eucharist as if it is your very 1st time. 

Come with a beginner’s mind wanting to know Christ. Grow in understanding and wisdom. Bring your children to PSR/Catechism, attend OCIA, bible studies, or other faith enrichment events. 

Thanks to all who have taught me so much about God. My children, my grandchildren, my grand loves, and each and everyone of you.

As together we live to be good, strive to be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live your lives and love one another. 

Praise God, Praise be to Jesus Christ. Amen.