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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Love One Another; Homily 5th Sunday of Easter

(Readings) This was inspired by a blog I read.
We are sad Fr. Job is leaving. He has brought much comfort, joy, and peace. He has been here for a long time as our friend, teacher, and spiritual leader; but, do not let your hearts sink to the wrong place.
I heard someone said about Fr. Job’s move, “This must be how disciples felt when Jesus let them.” That may be near blasphemous, but, I know how they feel.
Friends, we have never lost Jesus. And, the impact of Fr. Job on each one of us, our family of faith, our community, and the entire area will never be forgotten.
Yes, we love Fr. Job, who has given us a true example of love, a love that is a pattern of selfless service and sacrifice found in the gospel: Jesus’ way of love.
Jesus told his disciples that all will know they are disciples by the love they show for one another. “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.”
Sounds simple enough; but, these words of Jesus will turn the world upside-down. Fr. Job sharing Jesus’s way of love has turned this corner of the world in northeast Louisiana upside down.
Love your neighbor. Love yourself. Love your enemy. Love your spouse. Love your friend. Love your bus driver, your mailman, your pharmacist. Love everybody.
Just love.
The truth that love is the answer is easier said than done.
Loving your enemy is  difficult when faced with hatred and anger. The devil will throw these at all who try to love the way Jesus taught and to bring that love to others.
St. Paul tells us, love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”
For those reasons, love really is the answer. The love Jesus taught led him to wash feet and led him to the cross. It is more than just words and warm fuzzy feelings. It is selflessness, sacrifice, and service. 
How are we to live in Way of Love that Jesus asks of us. Fr. Job’s ministry is an example.
This is us what I have learned over the past 16 years working with Fr. Job's ministry: Seek Jesus, find abundant life, know freedom, find and know love.
One of Father's constant messages has been this: Seek Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No matter how hard a minister works or sacrifices or loves, it is Jesus who has the power to change lives and to change the world for good. Follow Jesus is to follow love. It is a choice we must make over and over again.
By seeking Jesus, we find abundant life. It is not the abundance of riches, or power, or status that the world seeks. It is an abundant life of grace, knowing joy, peace, and generosity that we abundantly share with others. In that abundance is a life of meaning, given back to God and lived for others.
Another lesson is that in Jesus’ love we find freedom. It is a freedom from the powers of this world that want us to live in fear, sin, oppression, and division. These are the things that pull us from God created and keep us from being dignified, whole, and free.
And once we have found and know all these things, then we can find love and know the way of love that Jesus taught. To know God’s love, to love and be loved by others, and to love ourselves.
Fr. Job’s ministry has been as Jesus commanded, “Love one another, as I have loved you.”
Fr. Job’s ministry is a selfless love of sacrifice and service to others. It was a model of courage, passion, and stamina for lifting up the lowly and lifting up each and every one of us.
He showed us Jesus’ love; a love that is good and a love that is true. It leads us to put others before self.
For 16 years, Fr. Job encouraged us to be more than just “passable” Christians. How many of us pass as Christian on how we one another?
Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live and love one another. Amen

Sunday, May 12, 2019

What Shepherd Do You Follow - Reflection Good Shepherd Sunday/Mother's Day

Today is a special day, we celebrate our mothers. (Happy Mother’s Day)  It is also Good Shepherd Sunday; a Sunday where we pray for the Shepherds of the Church. I think it is appropriate that they are on the same day.
Our mothers are our first shepherds. They teach us the ways to go. They shape us into who we are in life and ultimately influence us in  our vocation. Mothers are the first to teach us about God. For many, they are the first to teach us to pray. No matter  Bishop, Priest, Deacon, religious brother or sister, or someone called to married life, all were born to a mother. Being a mother is the noble vocation of being for many our first good shepherd. 
This Sunday we give thanks and pray for all our good Shepherd’s in life.
There are those who try to steal us from the Good Shepherd.
Prayer has been taken from our schools. The Ten Commandments are banned from our courthouses and public venues. Public officials will not take their oath of office before God on the Holy Bible.
You see, not everyone wants to hear and understand or believe the Good News.
So I would like each and everyone to think about this and decide, What Shepherd Do You Follow?
Paul and Barnabas went to Antioch and the whole city turned out to hear the word of God. Those who should have believed were filled with jealousy and violence against what Paul said.
Today, the whole world can hear the word of God and the world is filled with jealousy and violence against what is proclaimed. 
The ones that should be the first to hear that word and believe are the ones turning from God. Like Paul and Barnabas, we should speak boldly the word of God. The world needs to hear it.
Those who should hear are our political, social, and business leaders. Many of them have rejected it or corrupted it for their own purpose. They see themselves as gods. They want to change the world and make all of us over into their desired image. It is an image of worldly morals and culture to benefit of their agenda and pocket books.
In fact many of these leaders see themselves shepherds to the salvation of the world.
Those who should hear the Good News is religious leaders, ministers, preachers, priests, and pastors of all faiths and denominations. It is those who say they serve God but instead exploit the trust of others with lies, abuse and cover-ups. They take advantage of their position for their own agenda and reputation.
Again, many see in themselves the shepherds and the salvation of the world.
Those who should hear the word of God are the ones who identify themselves as believers but do not to worship God but instead seek entertainment.
Baptism becomes a game. Communion is a party. And, sadly for them, the Blessed Sacrament is not the real presence of Christ.
They question Jesus and all He taught. They re-interpret God’s word for their agenda. Being nice and kind is enough; but, it is not enough.
This corruption of faith and worship is seen by many as the salvation of the world. In that belief, they fall for the deception of the devil.
Those who should hear the Gospel first include each and every one of us.  Like sheep, too many hear the voice of the popular world and follow the wrong shepherd.
What shepherd do you follow?
If we are truly Christians we will follow only one voice.  Jesus said: My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.
If we are the people, the sheep of his flock then No one can take us from him.
Shake the dust of all that is not of Christ off your feet in protest to the world. Prepare yourselves in this time of great distress. We stand before God’s throne and worship him day and night by who we are in this world.
Hearing the His voice and following His word, God has made us to be a light and instrument of salvation to the world.
What shepherd do you follow?
Janet and I are preparing an interfaith couple for marriage. She is Catholic. He was raised in a Buddhist home; however, he has lived all his life among Christians.  
He said I know there is a God, I see him in my life.
He wants to know about Jesus. He wants to raise his children as Catholic Christians and be able to answer their questions.
To learn, he is going to a Bible study with friends. He asks questions of faith, not as an antagonist but an inquisitor. The reason he wants to know more comes from the example of faith in his fiance and friends.
He requested a Catechism and I offered him further guidance.  All I can do is follow the shepherd to lead others to the life-giving water.
Happy Mother’s Day, pray for our Bishops, priests, deacons, and religious.
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel lead others to the living water by the way you live and love one another. Amen.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Stop Procrastinating - Homily Reflection 3rd Sunday of Easter

How many procrastinate and tend to put things off for whatever reason?
This Sunday as we welcome young people to the Eucharistic table making first communion, I want to tell you about my procrastination.
I was baptized into the Catholic Church at two weeks old. I was never catechized because my dad became a Baptist minister. But I married a Catholic woman and was raising my children in the Catholic Church but I didn’t make my first communion until I was 35 years old.
I kept putting it off. And, the Lord kept calling me.
It was the same thing about becoming a Deacon. I told my wife the Lord was calling me. But I made excuses. I got other things I have to take care of first. I have a job. I have a family.
I kept putting it off. And, the Lord kept calling me.
In both instances, I was scared or unsure. Maybe I didn’t know how to do or what to do. I felt uncomfortable in a  way.
I should have learned my lesson; but still, I procrastinate. Like on this this homily. I was a little blank. I couldn’t hear or understand what message the Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart. So, I googled procrastination and spent an hour reading about it.  
Then I prayed the Liturgy of the Hours and asked the Holy Spirit to send me inspiration.
The prayers for the Hours begin: God come to my assistance, Lord make haste to help me.
It’s amazing we put off our work for God and ask God to hurry up and come help us. It also funny the message He put in my heart, stop procrastinating– why aren’t you doing my work.
That’s where we procrastinate. Proclaiming the Gospel of the Lord and doing His work in this world.
Usually, procrastination is intentional; like that shown by the apostles in today’s gospel.
Over the couple weeks before this gospel narrative the experience of the apostles included the crucifixion of Jesus, the resurrection, and His appearing to them not once but twice behind locked doors. They had even received the Holy Spirit when the risen Christ, breath upon them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”
The apostles should have been on fire!
Instead, Peter announces, “I’m going fishing.” And, 7 of the 11 apostles said they were going with him.  
Instead of going out and being the fishers of men Jesus wanted them to be, they were going back to the comfort of what they knew. They were running scared.
Fishing was something they knew. It gave them comfort.
Maybe the devil put in them a longing for what was comfortable to procrastinate from doing the hard and demanding ministry Jesus had asked from them.
These first priests were scared little children in the world. Maybe they felt, they were not worthy or didn’t know exactly what to do. And, they went out and fished all night and 7 expert fishermen didn’t catch a single fish.
In the morning, Jesus appeared on the shore and called them just as they acted: “Children did you catch anything?” The apostles acting like children instead of the adults tasked with doing what the Lord asked of them.
Why aren’t we doing the Lord’s work?
Jesus will ask us to do things we consider hard. They are the same things he asked the apostles; things outside our comfort zone.
When the Lord puts something uncomfortable before us we tend to be little children. We don’t want to look foolish or be ridiculed or have someone think we are wacky religious.  
He sends us to ministries and works outside our comfort zone. The Holy Spirit moves us to work with the homeless or volunteer for hospital ministry or start a prison ministry or work to feed the hungry.  Maybe our ministry is to stand on the street and proclaim the gospel of the Jesus Christ.
Most of the time, we must start these ministries and works with nothing than the need. So we procrastinate and it’s intentional.
If we put it off, maybe someone else will do it. The devil encourages procrastination to keep us from what Jesus has asked of us.
We avoid Jesus speaking to our hearts. We out off all Jesus asks of us. If we are not doing what the Lord asks; it's like fishing all night and not catching a single fish.  
Jesus questioned Peter the rock on which he built his Church, the same Church that is all of us.
"Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?"
Simon Peter answered, "Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." He asked Peter a second time, "Do you love me?" 
"Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
Jesus said, “Tend my sheep." Jesus said the third time, "Do you love me?"
Peter was distressed Jesus asked him a third time, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you."
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep.

Finally to Peter, Christ speaks these words to all the Church, Follow me.
Follow Jesus Christ to the places you will feel uncomfortable and feed the hungry, give water to those who thirst, clothe the naked, and take care of the sick and dying. Follow me to places were you may be ridiculed or mocked because of me by preaching the gospel the good news of Jesus Christ.
He’s not going to stop asking you. He’s not going to stop calling you. “Do you love me?”
We as a Church, Christians, believers answer: “Lord, you know everything; you know that we love you.” If that is the case: We should have been on fire!
Why aren’t we doing the Lord’s work?
Don’t procrastinate. Obey God. The Lord will tell us where to cast our nets.
Be good, be holy, preach the gospel and cast your nets in the way you live your life and love one another.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Way, The Truth, and The Life - Homily Reflection First Friday Mass

This week Janet and I have been mentoring an engaged couple for pre-Cana. Our mentor workbook asks us share our biggest fight. It was my fault.
It was my fault because I had forgotten one truth.
My parents told me, no matter how much trouble you’re in, those who love you will be there for you. Most importantly God is there for you; put all my trouble in Jesus’ hands.
I had heard “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” all my life.  I had heard it but I didn’t know it.
For the biggest fight in our marriage was not really with my wife. It was with the devil.
I was ready to throw everything away. My wife, my family, and myself because I couldn’t handle being knocked down again and again and again by the world.
The devil was winning. He was killing the love that was in me. Not the love for my wife and children because their love kept me connected to God’s love.  The love dying in me was the love that keeps us inter-connected and interacting with the world.
They say you have to hit bottom before you can rise back up.  All I could do was the thing the devil didn’t want me to do. Put my troubles in Jesus’ hands. Put my faith Jesus Christ to seek forgiveness for all I had said and done.
That brings me here today.
During pre-canna mentoring we did another exercise where we drew a picture marriage. The engage couple draws what they expect. The married couple what they’ve experienced.
Janet’s picture was a road with ups and downs and one particularly large dip.  I think it was that fight.  Looking back now, God was in those ups and downs.
It took those ups and downs to truly understood Jesus’ words. “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
My friends, you have to hear those words. You have to live those words and claim those words as your own.  All comes from Him. He is the Way. He is the Truth. He is Life. He lives within us. He does all things for us.
May each of you know his love today and forever.  Amen.