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Sunday, October 27, 2019

Wisdom of Ages - Reflection 30th Sunday OTC


Growing older, many reminisce about younger days and the exploits of youth. Some things, we are proud and others we had rather forget.
Wisdom often comes with age. If only we could go back and relive those times with the wisdom we have now!
If only we could relive our lives with the wisdom found in this verse from Sirach (7:3): “In whatever you do today remember your last day. You will sin no more.”
 If only the world knew those words today.
So few people are in church and there are many reasons. One reason is laziness.
Another is self-exaltation. People who think they don’t need Church.  Some who were raised Catholic and have made confirmation think they know everything they need to know; above us poor sinners.
Others identify as spiritual non- religious. Persons who have abandoned organized religion because the Church is full of sinners. The Pope is wrong. Priests are wrong. People in the pews are wrong. A person does not need religion or Church to grow closer to God. It’s full of all those sinners.
In self-identity, they exalt themselves.
The truth is these mortal bodies live but one life; have but one death; and all have suffering. And, we are all sinners. People fail to remember that every person will have a last day.
There are those who exalt themselves above even this reality. Businesses cater to people who feel they should live forever. They freeze their bodies or heads to be resurrected in the future. They believe they don’t even have to die.
That is extreme; but, the truth is many exalt themselves to a point of injustice to the poor, hungry, sick, and even sinners. Sadly, the world sees this evidenced in people who call themselves Christians. Some even think this is the way it should be.
There are Christians who think God should favor them. God should only hear their prayers. Jesus is only their LORD and Savior. Jesus came only for them.
Just this this past week, I was told: “I am not like other (unnamed denomination), I think Catholic’s go to heaven.”
There are preachers who preach this. There are pastors who pronounce these words. There are Christians who believe these teachings.
That is wrong. They have forgotten the good news of the Gospel. That good news that God the Father sent his son, Jesus Christ for the salvation and redemption of the whole world. Jesus did not come for those who think they are special.
The LORD is a God of Justice who knows no favorites. All who come to God in prayer and pour out their poverty like libations before the LORD, the LORD God will hear.
The LORD hears the cry of the oppressed. He confronts the evil doers. He is close to the broken hearted. The LORD God rescues those in distress. He stands by us and gives us strength. Those crushed in spirit he saves. He redeems his servants and those who take refuge in him.
St. Paul writes “In justice He will rescue us from every evil threat, even from the lion’s mouth to bring us safely to His heavenly kingdom.”
All we have to do is pray about it.
But, prayer must come from a humble heart and not one that has exalted itself above the poor; even the poor sinner. The one who serves God willingly is heard; and, the most high responds justly and affirms the right.
So we hear Jesus parable to those convinced of their own righteousness and who despised everyone else. It is a parable for today and those who exalted themselves above the injustice of the world.  There are self-righteous, so lets us change the characters in the parable.
Two people went up to the temple area to pray; a Christian and a sinner.
The Christian takes up his position and prays, O God, I thank you that I am not like everyone else -- greedy, dishonest, adulterous -- sinners.
The sinner stands off at a distance, too ashamed to raise his eyes to heaven, but with remorseful heart prays: Please God, be merciful to me a sinner.
Jesus asks which one is justified; not the self-righteous, for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Now, return to wisdom from the book of Sirach. “In whatever you do today remember your last day. You will sin no more.”
The Church and religion, the wisdom of ages, has been full of sinners since Adam, God hasn’t given up on it yet. It is never too late to humble ourselves before God. The LORD hears the cry of the poor.
Be good, be holy, and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Prayer Warriors - Homily 29th Sunday OTC

As we sing the Gloria at the beginning of mass, I know what Moses meant when he said to Joshua choose certain men. God did not gift me with the best singing voice. I am out of tune and my tone is flat. But, during the Gloria I am surrounded by beautiful and joyful voices singing praise and glory to God.
First there is the entire Church community lifting their voice in praise to glorify God. To the left of Father is Ava, our altar server, who has a beautiful voice. To the right is our Cantor and musicians (Cathy, Jennifer, and Daniel) talented and gifted with wonderful voices. And next to me is Father Paul. I will say he sings better than I do.
Every week, I fight a battle of tone and tune to make a joyful noise to the LORD. I am blessed because my community loves me anyway.
Moses told Joshua to gather certain men to prepare for battle with the enemy who had come to wage war against Israel.
What enemy do we fight?
Some thing or someone or some circumstance is probably waging war against each of us. It attacks day and night. It hits with fear, uncertainty, or pain. This battle  is not from God. It is the enemy waging war against us.
It may be a financial battle. Maybe I'm in over my head with bills and expenses. I've lost my job. Medical bills are piling up. Collection agencies are calling and calling and calling.
I may be an emotional battle. Life is not where I want it to be. Maybe there is a marital crisis or a breakup or a divorce. Maybe loneliness attacks. We question who we are and why we are and where we are in life.
Maybe the battle is with health issues. The attack is cancer or heart problems or dementia or aging. It is our health or the health of our spouse, children,  parents, or friends.  
There are so many things that attack us and those we love. There is so much and so many that wage war against us. So we listen to the words of scripture.
Moses tells Joshua to prepare himself for battle by picking out certain men. Moses is telling Joshua to surround himself with people of faith. And, Moses stood above the battle field  with his arms raised, praying over Joshua and those men. As long as Moses held his arms up in prayer, the Israelites were winning. When he grew tired and his arms fell, the enemy was winning.
But, Moses had surrounded himself with certain people - Aaron and Hur, men of faith and priests of God. When Moses became weary and his prayers and arms fell to fatigue. Aaron and Hur held him up, one on each side. They joined Moses in prayer to give him strength.  And, Moses was able to pray without ceasing.
In the battle against the things that wage war against us, we should surround ourselves with certain people of faith. Using a term started by our protestant brothers and sisters, surround ourselves with prayer warriors.
These are the warriors who (as told in Timothy) will help us to remain faithful to what we have learned and believe. In this, we have the two great things to prepare ourselves for a battle against the enemy. These are faith in Jesus Christ and the scriptures inspired by God. By knowing these things we will be equipped for every good work. 
Know the strength and power of prayer. Know the love of Jesus Christ. Our armament is prayer. Our shield is the love of Christ. Our help is from the LORD who made heaven and earth our defender and our protection.  
In these, we are ready for battle. Most battles will be long hard fights. Be persistent in faith and prayer, whether it is convenient or inconvenient. Pray when rested. Pray when tired. Pray when time is abundant time and pray when time is rushed. Be surrounded with certain people to hold us up and strengthen our faith and prayers. Surround ourselves with prayer warriors.
Scripture tells us that God’s will is not our will.” And “God’s ways are not our ways.” Our prayers are not to change God’s will; but to prove God’s will. And, God’s will is that we know him and love him. By God’s will, we know God’s mercy.
Most importantly, pray without ceasing.
And, the LORD God who loves us will hear the prayer of His chosen ones (certain people, people of faith, prayer warriors) who call upon him night and day. God will see that justice is done, if, He finds faith in those prayers.
That is why we surround ourselves with certain people of faith; people persistent in faith and prayer. People, who will hold us up, support our faith and what we believe and have learned when we grow weary.
Friends this is a call for us to have that faith. It is a call to teach our families the strength of persistent faith and prayer. Pray for those who battle the enemy. Pray for our families and community. Pray for the Church.
Be prayer warriors. Be a certain people of faith that fights battles for our own. Pray without ceasing.
Pray for me. I will always pray for you.
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

Friday, October 11, 2019

God's Will Be Done - Homily 28th Sunday OT C


I pray for those who ask for me to pray for them, for those who are sick and ask for prayers. Several people in our church family need our prayers. I have friends and family members are battling cancer.
I pray asking for healing, hope, peace, and God’s mercy in the struggles they face; and every prayer is a petitions God’s will be done.
Many pray daily if not multiple times a day: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name. Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done….
Sometimes it takes a crisis to know God’s will.
The Syrian General Naaman was stricken with Leprosy. He was in the need of prayers seeking to be healed. A Jewish servant told him the LORD God of Israel’s prophet Elisha could heal him.
Naaman didn’t believe in the LORD God. He didn’t believe Elisha could heal him. He thought to jump into the Jordan River 7 times was ridiculous.  Are not the rivers of Damascus better than all the waters of Israel? Could I not wash in them and be cleansed?” He turned in anger and left.
Naaman must have been a decent man, a lot of people were praying for him. He had a change of heart. Using the prophet Elisha, God healed Naaman.
Naaman was a foreigner, not a believer in the LORD. He scoffed at what he was told to do. Yet, it was God’s will that he be healed. And, Naaman came to know the LORD God and glorified him.
The Gospel tells us the time Jesus healed the lepers. Jesus said go and show yourself to the priests.
Scripture says he healed 10, but only one returned. One did not go. He was a foreigner. Because he was a foreigner, probably a Samaritan, he couldn’t show himself to the priest. Yet, it was God’s will that the Leper was healed. The Leper returned to Jesus, fell at his feet, and glorified God.
These scriptures tell that God healed two foreigners, ones not of his chosen people. God healed those that the Israelites and Jewish people would not consider worthy to be healed. Yet, these foreigners came to know and love the LORD God.
It’s God’s way. It’s God’s will that all the nations know his saving power. That is why we pray: God’s will be done ….. We just need to realize the truth of God’s will.
God’s will is not that we are healed. God’s will is not that we sin no more. God’s will is not that we become wealthy or powerful or popular.
God’s will is far more achievable than any of those things. God’s will is that we know him. And, God‘s will is that we love him.
And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. (Mark 12:30)
People think there is more to it than that. They think keep praying, asking for things, and God becomes a secret weapon for what we think and need.
During the Civil War a minister said to Abraham Lincoln, “Mr. President, let us pray God is on our side”. Lincoln’s response was “No, let us pray that we are on God’s side.”
Our faith is not the tool to get God to do what we want but an invitation to open ourselves to God’s will.
It surprises many that God’s will is not about our wants.
Let not the wise boast of his wisdom, nor the strong boast of his strength, nor the rich man boast of his riches; But rather, let those who boast, boast of this, that they know me… (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
God’s will is not our wants.
When we pray, God’s will be done. We pray to know God and to love God in Jesus Christ. We are praying this not only for us but for all nations and peoples.  
Finally, St. Paul teaches that to know God and love God leads eternal life. If we have died with him we shall live with him; if we persevere, we shall reign with him.
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. (John 17:3)
The prayer for God’s will be done is a prayer for salvation. Friends for each of you, God’s will be done.
Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Seeds- Scripture Reflection - 27th Sunday OTC

Each Sunday, before mass, the PSR teachers plant a little seed of faith in our children. Think about that and remember all those who touched us on our path of faith.
Someone planted a seed of faith in each of us who proclaims faith. Maybe, it was our parents. Maybe, faith grew from the witness of a catechism teacher or a friend or even when a complete stranger shared some act or example of their faith. Those acts of faith stirred a flame. Someone introduced us to the gift of God that is in us and to Jesus Christ.  Someone planted our seed of faith.
The PSR teachers and Children’s Liturgy minister are doing the same. As a community of parents, extended family, friends, and believers, each and every one of us should be encouraging and feeding the seeds of faith planted among us.
But, it can be hard to keep that flame burning.
The enemy is constantly trying to extinguish the flame. Look at the experience of our little church community the past few months. The flame is smothered by the experience of so many people in the world. And because of the work of the deceiver in the world, people blame God.
Look at the world and God does not intervene. Looking at the suffering, crisis, ruin, and strife all about us; people cry out, why Lord!!
Clearly, the news media revels in the ruin of society, moral corruption, and even humankind. All these make many, even persons of faith, hard of heart.
Many will cry out, God to take care of all that is wrong and bad. God fix all that is not in my favor. God solve all the problems in the world, especially, those problems that affect me. God, why don’t you do what we want? Change my own little world.
If God doesn’t do this, we get mad at God, at his church, and his people. We want God to do what we want.
That is why atheist point out that the God of most Christians is a magic invisible genie that grants our wishes. And, we want our wishes granted NOW!!!
And when it doesn’t happen like they want, hearts harden. People leave the Church. They give up on God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They give up on the community of believers that is their support. They leave the ones who stirred a flame of faith within them.
Like little kids on the playground, many take their ball and leave.
Because most that live in this world want to make God our servant and slave. People are mad at God our creator because he does not bow down to us.  It has always been that way. It is one of our shortcomings.
We are rash and without integrity. Scripture calls us hard hearted. The small seed of faith cannot flourish planted in a hardened heart.  You can’t stir a flame from a cold heart. 
There is hope in the crisis. That hope is in our hands or more appropriately in our hearts. It is the faith of those who truly believe.
Faith does not give us cowardliness to run from the challenges; but, it gives a spirit of courage, love and self-control in Christ Jesus. It gives strength for hardships through the richness of trust and help of the Holy Spirit.
True believers will fight the hardness that comes naturally to our hearts. Each of us had a mustard seed of faith planted deep inside of us when we were a child or an adult new believer. Some have faith that comes from being longtime friends of Jesus. If we as believers take that little seed of faith, wonders will be done.
Take it to the unrealized, tedious and underappreciated things the world ignores. As a people of faith, all we do in love of Christ is the right thing. As God’s adopted children, we honor, respect, and care for all our heavenly Fathers creations.
As true believer, what He commands of us gives the power to overcome all the hardships experienced in this world. We overcome all the lies of the deceiver by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by in our lives and in our actions. In these things God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is there with us and in us and through us.
All we need is in us is a small seed of faith and the fertile loving heart of Jesus Christ.  The world is made better through us, by the unseen and ever present word of God.
God’s said through the prophet Habakkuk, “God’s vision has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it…”
In those words is the promise of the seed of faith planted in each believer. The seed of faith that moves mountains to change the world may be the one we gave to our children. Keep their faith and our faith growing in a fertile heart enriched by the love of Christ.
Be good, be holy and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.