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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Point of View - Homily Palm Sunday

I start my homilies Praise be Jesus Christ. Those are great words of praise to share and proclaim this Palm Sunday. Praise we share with the people laying their cloaks and leafy branches on the road before Jesus. Praise in the words, “Hosanna in the highest.”

It’s amazing how fast things change. In the morning they praised Jesus and a short time later they cried “crucify him.” But, it was not necessarily the same people. The point of view was different.

Everyone has a point of view and everyones point of view is different. A point of view can be from from love, filled with generosity and compassion. Or, a point of view can be one of hate, filled with racism, bigotry, and prejudice. All are different. For some, if you don’t agree with their point of view, you are wrong.

A  point of view comes from life's experiences, faith, morals, interactions. It expresses wants, needs, and desires. It is inflamed by human passion. As we remember the passion of Christ, remember, all had a point of view.

That first group of people’s point of view of Christ was the messiah. They honored and respected the man, Jesus. They celebrated him.

What were the points of views of the others in the passion. 

Judas the Iscariot’s point of view was not Christ Jesus. His point of view was Judas and money.

The other apostles and disciples' was one of fear; so, they ran away. Their point of view had not yet been inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Another point of view was found in people looking for a different type of messiah. They wanted a rebellion against the Romans. So, they asked Pilate for the release of Barabbas, a rebellion leader. Barabbas’ release fit their point of view.

The point of view of the Sanhedrin, Chief Priests, and scribes was Jesus made them look bad. Even Pilate knew they envied Jesus. All He taught was not necessarily a match for their interpretation of the Law. So they treated him as a violent criminal, sending men armed with swords and clubs to seize him. As he hung on the cross these religious men mocked him.

Pilate’s point of view was he was above all this bickering. If they wanted to crucify Jesus even though he did no wrong, let them. Pilate even put a little fuel on the fire, calling Jesus, King of the Jews.

The point of view of those calling “crucify him” was not the same of those who cried “Hosanna.” To the  “Crucify him” people, Jesus was not who He said He was; not the messiah. Their point of view was formed by the world they lived and experienced. It did not match God’s point of view in Christ Jesus.

One other to consider is the point of view of Jesus.

Jesus is love. Jesus celebrates hope, mercy, and grace. He did no wrong. No deceit came from his mouth. He returned no insult. His life was all self-giving sacrifice. Everything was about giving glory to God.

Friends, our point of view should be closer to Christ’s. A believer should stand up and sacrifice by the example of Christ’s love or fall down and weep because they denied him. If your point of view is not in Christ, in God’s eyes you are wrong.

Is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, the messiah? Or is Jesus something else to you?

Be good, be holy and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

BAND OF BELIEVERS - Homily 5th Sunday of Lent

Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever.

On spiritual journey this lent, my spiritual director asked me to look back on my life and recall my sins. He said recall your thoughtless and deliberate sins. My faith tells me that most of my sins that I can recall, I have given up in confession. Through reconciliation and penance, God has forgotten my sins and should as well. But, those are mostly deliberate sins

As I contemplated, my life went back to my earlier years. I was an athlete in high school and college. Athletes are taught to play. They are told they are important. They are told to win. Arrogance, aloofness, and pride are fertile ground for thoughtless sin.

That was probably me. I knew lot of people with those characteristics. That is why, I admired the marching band.

The band’s members could march and play and count and move all at the same time and look good doing it. If you looked at the band when they practiced or performed you’d see joy and laughter and celebration in the midst of the music and marching and precision all going on at one time.

Great college marching bands spell out the school’s name at half time marching and playing at full breath. There is excitement when the Grambling or Southern marching band shows up no matter where they perform. ULM’s Sound of Today brings joy. They do this with focus and smiles and laughter. All the happiness and pleasure music brings is a vital part of the each member of a great marching band.

It is a great example for Christians to take to heart - Be the band!

Make God, through Christ Jesus, the joy and happiness of who you are

To get there we need to ask God to create in us a clean heart. In that clean heart, God will place what is moral and just, He will write His love upon our hearts; and we shall be His people.

That is how a person walks in His way and counts their blessings. It allows us to bring others closer to God. Christ Jesus living in us allows joy, laughter, and celebration to be found in our relationships with each other. It is the coming to Jesus with pure and clean hearts filled with the music of songs of praise and thanksgiving that we can spell out His name by our life. It is how we bring people to Jesus.

The band is there for the athletic team. But, the team rarely sees the marching band that is the champion of their cause. The team is wrapped up in a game. At the time when the team needs it the most, the band’s support is the strongest and loudest. Usually, the team’s mind and attention is far away.

Think about that example, friends.

Christians as disciples of Jesus Christ, bring others to Christ. Christians pray, serve, and love the poor in spirit, poor in flesh, and those in poverty. Followers of Jesus champion justice and dignity for all persons.

And, the ones that they pray for and support may never see those who stand for them. Christians pray the loudest for those who need Jesus. Often those in need are far away from his presence.

He knew what was asked of him for that Jesus offered prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears …. He prayed for all humankind.

I’ve compared being a Christian to a marching band; but, the reason the marching band marches is not for the band.

The reason, followers of Christ march, is not for self. We follow Him to something greater.

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.

That hour is far more serious than a game. And still, too many in the world are playing. That hour was for every person of the world. Yet, too many are lost in them self.

As a band of believers, we bring the excitement and joy in hope of salvation to the world. We sing the song of redemption through Christ Jesus raised upon the cross.

Not everyone appreciates the band. Not everyone appreciates the beliefs and works of followers of Jesus. But, one who does recognize our effort; Jesus said, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also my servant will be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.”

Brothers and sisters, bring the music found in the joy of salvation to others.

Be good, be holy, and strike up the band to preach the gospel in the way we live your lives and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

OUR THOUGHTLESS SINS - 5th Sunday of Lent - 3rd Scrutiny

 Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen

I have been on a spiritual journey this lent. My spiritual director asked me to think back over my life to examine my sins, both thoughtless and deliberate. It’s been a time of scrutiny; and then Father asked me to give the homily this 3rd scrutiny Sunday.

The scrutinies may seem a little strange. It’s the ancient tradition of the elect examining their life. I invite all here to do the same.

Each scrutiny Sunday has a specific gospel. The 1st scrutiny is the woman at the well. The 2nd is the man born blind. And today, the 3rd scrutiny is the story of the raising Lazarus from the dead.

This gospel is special; but, it begins in a way that can be hard to understand.

When the message came that Lazarus was ill and dying, Jesus remained for two days in the place he was staying. No it wasn’t because He was afraid, Jesus had other reasons.

He was very plain about it. Jesus wanted to increase the faith of believers. “This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

You shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them.

Lazarus was dead when Jesus got there. But, Lazarus died so that Jesus' power over death would be apparent to all the witnesses. 

The family of Lazarus loved Jesus. They were his disciples. They believed in him, but when their brother died they cried out to Jesus “Lord if you had only been here.”

Jesus tells Martha, "I am the one who raises the dead to life!"  She believes in Jesus; but, she has her doubts, “Lord it been 4 days - there is going to be a stench.”

Friends if you have you ever doubted Jesus - Don’t! Jesus loves us and understands the gift of human life. He understands so well that he stood in front of Lazarus’ tomb weeping. He cried not only for Lazarus, but for his own coming passion.

Then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” - “You shall know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and have you rise from them.”

Jesus knows earthly life is so short; so, He calls to us. He calls each of us by name. He calls us to come out of the death of sin.  He calls us back to life. That is why we need a time of scrutiny; a time of quite to examine our self and listen as He calls us.

All are called to glorify God and to fail to do that weather in a thoughtless way or deliberately is sinful.

The scrutinies allow us to contemplate the thoughtless and deliberate sins that kill our hearts and souls. Jesus calls to us let go of the sins. Get rid of the evil of doubt and despair. Come to my voice.

To all the elect and the faithful, remember your family, friends, neighbors and this community of believers loves you, make use of God’s grace found in that love. In this time of scrutiny, pray, meditate, and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Dark Hole - Reflection 4th Sunday of Lent - B

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

I have been in love with Jesus my entire life. As a child, I was always looking for him. As an adult, I felt called to him. But, I was stubborn and wanted to live life my own way.

And for that reason, especially as I look back on some of the stupid things I have done, I am so grateful that God is merciful.

As I grew, I always knew that God wanted something from me. I could hear him calling me to a vocation. As a young man, I contemplated becoming a Baptist preacher like my father. God just never revealed a way for that to happen.

Now, as a Deacon I see God has been leading me to this vocation for so long. During this journey, I have had a relationship with God, through Christ Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. But even the best relationships can suffer when one is in that relationship is hard-headed.

That hard-headedness has allowed this world has lead me to places of darkness, I should have never been. These were times when my sins added infidelity upon infidelity in my relationship with God. Yet, God always shielded me with his angels, persons around me that were His messengers speaking to my heart and steering me closer to Him.  

Then, God Himself allowed me to be shut me down. He gave me time to think about our relationship.

I had pneumonia, my lungs had collapsed. The doctors had to operate and before surgery a doctor asked if he could pray with me. Then he told me to count backwards from 10.

My last words were Amen, ten, nine….

The sleep from the anesthesia was dark. There was no light. There were no thoughts or dreams. There was nothing.

When I awoke, all I could think about was a life without God. It was realizing a life of darkness and nothingness; and, a life without love. Without God, there was no love for my wife, children, parents. In that darkness and nothingness there was no relationship with God who had always been there with me.

Although, I had always loved God, from that moment on, I was passionately in love with God. The God I knew was true and living. I was passionately in love with God, the Father, creator of all things, and the only Son, God who is at the Father’s side, and God the Holy Spirit, that is the breath of life in us, the love about us, and the passion for God that is in us.

This was all because of God’s rich mercy. Lord let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget you.

Most persons in the world are in the darkness and nothingness that exists without a relationship with God.

It has happened before like in the story of the people of Judah. They thought they were strong and important. They didn’t need God. They mocked the messengers of God, despised His warnings, and scoffed at His prophets. They turned their back on a relationship with God and brought about darkness to the people of Judah.

Sounds like things today. People are so in love with themselves they have forgotten God. They have forgotten their brothers and sisters. The mock what God has revealed in scripture. They despise the truths of creation. They scoff at His Church.

All they want is instant gratification, instant knowledge, and immediate pleasure. Science is important unless the science does not prove their point. The internet and their smart phones have become their god.

Truth has become unimportant.  Opinions have become the relevant. And to a person in this reality, God is no longer as important as the debate of the gender of a toy potato

Jesus warned “The light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed.”

Sometimes God uses a worldly culture that is against him to teach a lesson.

One thing for sure, God doesn’t need me. God doesn’t need any of us believers. But, in his compassion, He enjoys us. He loves us. In His mercy, He forgives us. He proved that sending his son, Christ Jesus to be raised up on that cross so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.  

But most are stubborn and want to live in their own way. That is until they learn there is a better way to live than in the mess and misery of sin. In His endless mercy, God forgives the mistakes and missteps we make in this world. He lights the darkness. A person just needs to know where to go to find that light. It is to Jesus.

Friends, believers, Christians raise the cross of Christ for the world to see.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. Amen.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Live Them in the World - Reflection 3rd Sunday of Lent B

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

God is calling to us, even now, return to me with all your heart.(Joel 2:12)  During Lent, Catholics and all Christians are striving to return to our Heavenly Father.

We are reminded what is required to be close to God in the first reading from the book of Exodus. It declares the 10 commandments of God, which are the laws of rightness, justice, and dignity to God and for our neighbors. God gave them to be written in people's hearts. They are to be the moral base of human society.

These commandments are summed up in the greatest of the commandments. "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. And the second is love your neighbor as yourself."

Christ himself lived in this world and lived these commandments. Christ the power of God. Christ the wisdom of God. Christ Jesus showed us by his life how we should live.

God wants us to live these commandments in the world; so, they should be pretty easy to live out, right?

With 2.4 billion people in the world that profess Christianity, these commandments make the world a better place. But the problem is, to paraphrase the prophet Ezekiel - Woe is me! I am a sinner and I live among people who are sinners.

We seem to have a problem living them. 

Even though, we know that these commandments are perfect. They refresh the soul. They are trustworthy. They give wisdom to us simple souls. We trip and fall.

Believers profess, these commandments are right. They are clear. If we live by them, our hearts rejoice. The commandment clarify and enlighten the way of Christ’s love that we are to have for our brothers and sisters. These commandments, which Jesus exemplifies by his life, are true and just. They are given for us to live.

But, as a people we struggle and have become just like the temple Jesus walked into and turned upside down.

People use God’s commandments to make creation a marketplace. We are to worship no other God; but some use worship as a marketplace. We are to love our neighbor, but some use the poor to enrich themselves. Greed is to covet. In freedom, babies are killed. In self-love, parents are forgotten. The world lies, steals, and cheats and then calls it good.

None of this surprises the LORD God. The gospel itself tells us that even though people began to believe in him, Jesus did not trust them all. He knew human nature. He himself understood it well.

Jesus saw how the people were disrespecting the LORD God and His temple. In righteous anger against those who did not honor the greatest commandment, He went into the temple and chased out the money changers. He overturned the tables of those who turned God’s temple into a marketplace.

In God's temple of creation, sin against God and our neighbor is rampant. Look around; see the things Jesus saw in the temple: disrespect for God, manipulation of religion, exploitation of the poor, and the abuse of God’s creation and the world.

Friends, God calls us for his purpose. God calls each of us to live His commandments. He knows us and calls us to conform to the image of His Son.(Rm 8)  

In all the sins humanity has, God gave his Son so all would know forgiveness. God through Christ Jesus wants to give us everything. That includes a right and just world.

For that to be, God may ask us to go out and overturn some tables. No, God is not looking for violence. No, God does not want hate. But, God through Christ Jesus wants us to believe in His name and live His commandments. He wants us to live them in the world.

We have to live them. We have to bring that message to the world by who we are and what we believe. That means speaking up for what is right. It means living for the poor, the hungry, and those who are imprisoned. It means living the commandments to overturn more tables in this world than violence and hate.

Yes, Our Heavenly Father wants us to live His commandments in the world. This Lenten season is the perfect time to begin.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Is it Right - Homily 1st Friday Mass, 2nd Friday in Lent

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

That story about Joseph being made to disappear by his brothers  is not something Christians would ever do.  The parable of the tower, vineyard, and murder is not about us. The people in those stories were sinners. But ask them, they thought they were righteous.

In the eyes of the brothers, it was right to take care of their family and heirs. In their eyes Joseph needed to disappear for the good of the family. 

The tenants in the vineyard felt it was their right to keep the vineyard and fruit. They ignored the owner, beat his messengers, and murdered his son. They did this because they thought it right.

The Chief Priests and Pharisees saw themselves blameless and right.

We can be just like them. So, those stories are for us. Look back on your life. Look back at your life in the Church. Look back at your life in Christ. Maybe, there has been misplaced righteousness.

Too many in presumed righteousness, look down on those who are different. We separate ourselves from sinners. We are not like them. 

But, people will do what they think is right. It is seen in ourselves and our leaders: for some, “right” is no change; and, for others, “right” is forced change. And any hatred, injustice, or violence that comes is righteous from that sides point of view.

It is the assumed order of things that makes people think good and wicked are separate. But, our transgressions and sins weigh upon us all, no matter if we are good or bad. We are all connected by this fact. It is who we are.

Before Jesus came died on the cross for the forgiveness of sins; God spoke about sin through the prophet Ezekiel.

·       The righteous shall not be able to live by their righteousness when they sin.

·       The wicked, if they turn from their wicked ways, if they turn from their sin and do what is right, they shall not die.

In that thought, hear Jesus’ words to those who assumed they were blameless, “The Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

They knew Jesus was speaking to them.  We know, He is speaking to us.

Friends! Prepare for the Kingdom of God through prayer, fasting, confession, penance, and good works. Do this for the rightness of turning away from sin.

Do it this lent. Do it always.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Changed by Communion - Reflection 2nd Sunday of Lent

 Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever.

Communion is important. We think of it as the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist. It is the taking and sharing of the body and blood of Christ.

But, communion is also coming together as community. The word community comes from communion.

It is a good thing to consider on this Sunday when we remember the transfiguration of Jesus. When on the mountain Jesus’ countenance was changed. His face showed with holy light. His clothes become whiter than they could ever be bleached.

Described by the Mark communion happened on that mountain that changed Jesus and the three disciples. There was also a communion of community in Jesus, Elijah, and Moses.

Peter knew the importance of that communion. He said, “Rabbi it is good that we are here!”  Peter in Kkew that instance of communion and community was an important change.

Communion changes us. Communion in the body and blood of Christ in the sacrament of most Holy Eucharis, changes us. Communion in community, changes us.

Communion is missing in this pandemic. Communion is hard from isolation. Many are missing the Blessed Sacrament. Many are missing the communion of community.

In this pandemic, the devil is working in the world using all to pull us away from communion. He is pulling people away from the Church. The evil one is trying to pull as many as he can away from God.

But the devil is putting out there through the evil is this world that if there is a God, He does not care for us. Look at the suffering and evil in the world. Isn’t it something that the world points to those in communion with the evil one to try to discredit God.

Hold on tight to God.

Abraham could have easily given up on God. He was leading his son up the mountain to sacrifice him.  That one act could have been the epicenter of pandemic of a soul that could have changed the world. Even in a time of tragedy God was there. God intervened. God renewed His relationship of love with humankind through Abraham and Isaac. It was a act of communion. God was there. Abraham was there. Isaac was there. And in those were the decedents of Abraham, Jesus, and all of us.

Remember what Paul wrote “Brothers and sisters: If God is for us, who can be against us?” Remember, through prayer, through worship, through family, even though our Facebook live feed of mass, we have communion of community.

God created us for communion. God created us out of love. God wants to share in his love, to have others to love and to be loved by.

We can choose that communion freely and intelligently to love as God our maker loves. Friends, it is time to share in true communion with God. It is time for believer to return to the Blessed Sacrament.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another, in communion.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.