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Saturday, September 1, 2018

In Beauty, I Walk - Homily 22nd Sunday OTB


We are made by God for good things. One of the good things we are made for is to walk with God. Everyone knows this, everyone longs for this, yet, and some think our walk with God is by their rules.
Last week, I participated in the funeral of lovely man. His wife of 61 years called him my beautiful-beautiful husband. He was a beautiful-beautiful soul.
Bishop Robert Barron says that we come to know God through the beautiful. Fr. Richard Rohr shares this prayer of the Navajo or Diné people:
In beauty I walk.
With beauty before me I walk.
With beauty behind me I walk.
With beauty above me I walk.
With beauty around me I walk.
It has become beauty again.
It has become beauty again.
It has become beauty again.
It has become beauty again.
Beauty is the presence of God in creation and the world. This prayer realizes that God is with us in creation, the sky, the earth, and all living things. Beauty leads us to God.
King David prayed a similar prayer:
Praise be to you LORD from everlasting to everlasting.
Yours is the greatness
and the power and the glory
and the majesty
and the splendor
of everything in heaven and earth. (1Chr 29:10-12)
Many Navaho people are Christian; but, the prayer In Beauty I Walk is from their native religion and part of their ancient culture’s knowledge of God.
I hope the fact that I speak of this prayer doesn’t shock anyone. If it does then we misunderstand the purpose of religion.
Religion’s purpose is to help us understand God by taking away the self-created narrow human concept of God. It moves us from the separate self-important individual we think we are to a humble self-giving union with the beauty that is God.
Religion should radically transform and liberate us from ourselves. Freeing us to seek the undefiled beauty that is God; walking with God on God’s terms, not ours. That is the message of salvation history. Religion found in the Church.
Moses said hear what I am teaching you to observe so you can live and take possession of the land the LORD God is giving you. You shall not add to nor subtract from it.
St. James wrote: Religion pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep one’s self unstained by the world.
...pure and undefiled before God, unstained by the world, staying in beauty.
In the beginning, we were made in beauty. Humanity walked in the garden of the Lord God our creator in beauty. We walked with beauty before us, beauty behind us, beauty above us, and beauty all around us. And the beauty of God came again and again and again and again.
Then humanity sinned and hid from God.
We hid from God not because we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but humanity realized that because of sin, we were no longer beautiful. We feared we could no longer walk in the beauty of God.
It was not the fruit but the ugliness of sin.
And people will say, I am spiritual but not religious want God on their terms. That is what Jesus warns us about.
Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the things that come from within are what defile. "From within their hearts, come evil thoughts, arrogance, unchastity, adultery, meanness, lies, immorality, folly, envy, greed, theft, murder, blasphemy.  All these evils come from within and they defile.
These things separate us from the greatness and the majesty and the splendor that is the beauty of God.
Yet, the world celebrates all these. We subtract from God’s word and add what suit us. We defile the beautiful.
Not me Deacon, but, if our eyes see sin and accept it as a way of things, we defile the beautiful. We honor the LORD with our lips, but our hearts are far from God; worshipping in vain and teaching human precepts.
Christ brings us back to beautiful. His cross and salvation forgives us the ugliness of our sins. Jesus Christ, the word of God, came from God and is God, true beauty. We must humbly welcome beauty into our hearts. He is one that saves our souls.
Jesus started this Church and it is our earthly path to the beautiful. Sin has tried to hide it from us. Jesus knew there would be betrayal and it has come forward in scandal and deception of folly, meanness, lies, and blasphemy. It is not the fruit but the ugliness of sin.
We are made by God for good things. A good thing is to walk in the beauty of God.
The prayer In Beauty I Walk truly praises Lord God. It gives thanks to the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor of heaven and earth.
We can offer the prayer this way:
In God I walk.
With God before me I walk.
With God behind me I walk.
With God above me I walk.
With God around me I walk.
God the Holy Trinity has come again.
God the Father has come again.
God, the Holy Spirit comes again.
God, our Lord Jesus Christ will come again.
I see beautiful-beautiful souls in every one of you; beauty before me and behind me and all around me. Friends, in our walk with God we become beauty again. Beauty is seeing Christ in the face of others. It is beauty in you.
Be good, be holy and walk in beauty to preach the gospel by way you live and love one another. Amen.

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