Sometimes we need to look up.
I love history. One reason is from 6th grade through college most of my teachers and professors taught with authority.
They taught with an authority of strength, conviction, knowledge, passion, insight, ability, and right. It was an authority in teaching history that gave them power over the subject.
I remember all my history teachers. I remember most of their names. There is one, however, whose name or face I cannot remember. She was a graduate assistant my freshman year in college.
The first day of class she took attendance; then, she opened the text book and started reading. There was no inflection or passion in her voice; no conviction in her words. She just read and offered nothing: no insight or personal knowledge to the lecture.
Reading, she never looked up. Soon after the semester started, people began walking out as soon as the role was complete. And still, the instructor never look up. She taught without authority.
The midterm test had blatant cheating. Most of the class was content to cruise through.
But at the final, the instructor challenged the class. You disrespected me and didn’t take this class seriously. She gave out blue books and said fill this with what you’ve learned.
I was prepared. I had many a teacher before who had taught with authority. Those who taught with authority had prepared me.
Today, the Gospel tells us Jesus came with a new teaching of authority.
As we were preparing for mass, Father said, “Deacon read the Gospel with drama. Read to emphasize how the unclean spirit attacks Jesus.”
What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are - the Holy One of God?
With authority Jesus said, “Quiet! Come out of him.”
Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit with power. Jesus’ ability came from strength, conviction, knowledge, passion, insight, and right as the Holy One of God.
All who witnessed it were amazed. All those who witnessed came to the synagogue for teaching that simply reading the book, a scribe who read scripture. It was the normal way of teaching that did not upset anyone not even the unclean spirits in their midst.
Churches are like that today. Their message misses the authority that comes from Christ. Christ gave the Church, his mystical body lead by the apostles, the authority to teach the good news. We have the authority to make the unclean spirits uncomfortable and call out - What have you to do with us?
To teach with authority is not saying everything is OK. Teaching with the authority Christ gave is not agreeing with immoral life style choices or making harmful vices acceptable. To teach with the authority that is the Word of God as Jesus asks us is not what the world wants to hear. To teach with that authority, we have to look up.
History teaches that it will not be without challenges.
In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul taught and there were riots in the street. People wished to do him harm. It is also written that when the disciples shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it cut to the heart of all who heard.
When we teach with authority, we challenge the unclean spirits alive in the world. They don't like it. The unclean spirits want the status quo. And, we become anxious about worldly things.
Brothers and sisters, we are all going to have to come for a final exam. All are going to be held accountable for our disregard of Christ’s teachings. We are going to be asked what did we learn? How did we live?
At the final test of our judgement, hopefully, we will have had someone who taught us with authority.
Sadly, there will be ones that will still challenge God. What if they were waiting for us to teach them with authority?
We have been given the authority to teach the Gospel. We are not to teach it as we wish to interpret it. We are not to be scribes of the worldly good.
But instead, teach with the authority of the mystical body of Christ. The authority found in the words of Christ that cause riots as Paul spoke. Speak in the authority of the gospel that cuts to the hearts of all who hear it.
Share the gospel with the authority and power of Christ in your life; give your testimony. Share it with passion, conviction, and knowledge found in the truth that is Jesus Christ.
Yall be good yall be holy and preach the gospel with authority of the way you live and love. Amen.