150 word story (10-word leeway) based on the photo prompt and prompt arrogance.
by WEGoss2
(Vibria is one term for a female dragon; a drake is a male dragon)
I am the pirate, riding a vibria of the Jolly Roger breed. She was a dragon majestic in
her double wings, showing crossbones that darkened the sky and shadowed the
ground. Seeing the lowly running in our silent
passing, I grew in self-told confidence swooping from above to riches.
I first
noticed a change in the static of her skin and the temper of her flame. Then,
in the distance was her champion. He was magnificent, a dark irradiant Jolly
Roger drake. I would master him. In my arrogance, I knew he would be mine.
I set a
trap of legends using vibria as bait.
Now I sit
abandoned in solitude, a pirate without the vastness of the sky. I am marooned by my greed. Seeking the dragon’s freedom for myself, I was defeated
by my arrogance and the beasts’ love.
“I have
been to the sky’s horizon. A lower horizon will be easily plundered, I am the
pirate,” pondering the significance of reality and my newly grown beard.
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