Sheep Making Informed
From today’s readings we
learn that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and Jesus is the Cornerstone. The parable
of the Good Shepherd and the reading from Acts are put together for a reason. The
overall message is that Jesus will not abandon us and he will not be moved.
In these readings, let’s
look at us. People don’t know the Shepherd’s voice or they’ve rejected the cornerstone.
It’s because we tend to be like sheep.
Sheep live a flock mentality
- for protection, for comfort, and for blending-in. Sheep don’t want to stand
out in a crowd. Most of us don’t want to either.
Temptation can make sheep wander.
A lead sheep will see greener grass to eat, a hillside to explore, or the
promising pleasure of a shady spot. The lead sheep follows this temptation and the
flock follows for protection, comfort, and blending-in.
That’s why the shepherd is
important. He is the cornerstone of the flock. It’s built around him. He keeps
them together, on the right path, in the right pasture, and in his protection. Sheep
know the shepherd by his voice and presence. They want the comfort of the
shepherd’s protection; but, they still wander away and can become lost.
We’re sheep for the same
reason. Temptation catches an eye of someone influential and we follow. The
temptation of greener grass, new things to explore, or something pleasurable leads
them astray and it becomes the popular trend.
Temptation pulls us from the shepherd and all he offers. When temptation
pulls us from the cornerstone; we are lost.
There are three sources of temptation: the world, the
flesh, and the devil. But, we don’t recognize temptation. We’re not sheep. We
are intelligent educated beings. We make mature informed decisions, like:
- We don’t believe all the Church tells us; we decide what we believe.
- All Churches are the same.
- It’s not really the body of Christ.
- I want a church that doesn’t offend me.
- I don’t get anything from Church; I want to be entertained.
- Why believe the bible, it just stories.
- My life style isn’t hurting anyone.
- It’s my body; I’ll do what I please.
- It’s a fetus, a lump of cells, it’s not a baby.
- They’re not like us - they’re old - they’re poor- they’re not relevant
In the desert, Satan tempted
Jesus with an informed decision. He informed Jesus about the world, the
flesh, and with lies in temptation. Satan informed Jesus of his authority in the
world; but, Jesus had the strength to resist temptations.
We don’t have the strength
of Jesus. We’re just sheep that hear the empty promises of the world, see the
desires of the flesh, and the lies and information of the devil. We go astray.
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and
cornerstone. He gave his life for all of our salvation, so that we know
him. No matter how lost, how tempted, or
how much we have strayed; deep inside, we still know his voice. We still know
he is our salvation. We just need to be
the lead sheep and follow him.