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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Scripture Reflection Divine Mercy Sunday - For Us and for the Whole World

For Us and For the Whole World

Today, we celebrate the Mercy of God - Divine Mercy Sunday. God’s Mercy is found in the lovingkindness that He gives to us in a bad situation, like sin.

And people ask, what does Divine Mercy have to do with today’s readings? Everything, from 1 John “Whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith.” Our faith, belief in Jesus the Son of God, is the fount of God’s mercy?

From the Acts of the Apostles, we learn about the first Christian community. It was a community where mercy truly existed and where each and every person shared in God’s merciful love. It was a community of equals; a community where everyone was taken care of by their neighbors. “There was no needy person among them.” The way we treat other people is a manifestation of God’s mercy through our lives.

I try to share God's mercy in my job. Part of my job is to do safety training. I do this training for several reasons. 

One, some people don’t care about other people, like the foreman who tells a person to risk their life when they know that a job or task is unsafe. It's not necessarily the company; but, it may be the culture that rewards unsafe acts. The foremen believe making a bonus is more important than the safety of the employee.

Scripture tells us you cannot serve both God and mammon. 

Two, the government says that companies have to provide the training. Training helps to provide a safe workplace and gives instructions on how to have a safe workplace.

We live in a time were the government wants to control and make rules for even for the Church. It is behind political ideals. The government wants control over Church run institutions. Politicians want to be seen as saviors to the masses. Government can never master charity, which is the love of our neighbor and based on the love of God. God’s mercy is the ultimate lovingkindness. Sharing God’s mercy is the ultimate charity. Our government will never have God’s mercy or true charity.

Three, I teach because it is part of my ministry to the workplace.

In all I do, I try to teach Jesus. I witness and I share what I have with by brothers and sisters in that work place. Many say we are there to teach because the insurance company doesn’t want them to get hurt. I tell each and every person I teach, I don’t want them to get hurt. I want them to return to their family. I share in mercy what God has given me.

Christ gave the apostles the gift of bestowing his mercy. “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” The sacrament of reconciliation is the mercy of God given through forgiveness. Most of us are not priest, so we do have this charism of mercy.  But we can still forgive, still bring God’s mercy to others through our gifts and talents. Still bring the victory of Christ to others through our faith.

Each and every one of you has something that you can give to the community. Christians bestow God’s mercy in the love of neighbor. This is the mercy found in out faith. The mercy given so that no one knows need. We bring mercy helping others find God, know Christ, and know love.

Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. Let us pray for God’s mercy on us and on the whole world.

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