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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunday Reflection 12th Sunday Ordinary Time - Follow that Boat

Follow that Boat
Such exciting readings; close your eyes you can see the storms and waves. God tells Job that it is He who controls the sea and waves. In the Psalm, sailors call on God to quiet the storm. And in Mark, the words of Jesus “Quiet, be still!” Close your eyes and see that God is in control.
But in the Gospel of Mark we hear, “Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him.”
In the storm, wind, and waves, people may forget this verse. It is not in any of the other Gospels, only in Mark. The Gospel that begins with Jesus’ baptism and immediately put Him in a storm; tempted by Satan.
In Jesus’ ministry, He was constantly under pressure. He was always surrounded by crowds; pressed by a mass of humanity seeking healing and threatened by mobs of those who feared him. He healed the sick, cast out demons, and defended himself to the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and even his own disciples.
At this point in the Gospel, the crowd was so thick; the only avenue to escape was a boat. He gets in the boat, just as he was, exhausted. So exhausted, he falls asleep on the floor of a fishing boat. Maybe, if he was lucky, he had a smelly fishing net for a pillow. He was so exhausted he was sleeping through the storm.
And other boats were with him. Jesus didn’t dismiss the crowds; he just left and the crowds followed him; trying to be near to him even in the boats that followed him.
Jesus knew the storm with its winds and waves would not harm him, so he slept. The storm was a place of refuge. This storm was an escape from the crowded closeness of the ever-present multitude. The storm was a time of quiet away from the excitement that followed the calm that was Jesus.
We forget this verse, but it is an important part. It’s about the humanity of Jesus.  A weary Jesus is proof of his humanity. We can know he was truly human, because he grew tired and exhausted just like us. Jesus was a man who wept and rejoiced. He felt compassion and even outrage. He did all this because of his human body. It grew tired.
It is a verse that leads us to discover His divinity. God is in control. Only God could quiet the sea with a word. Only, God brings order out of chaos. Creation obeys the creator. From Genesis, the wind of God swept over the face of the waters and then came the Word.
Just like those in that boat, we face troubling storms. So, we pressed ourselves to Christ, crying out for His protection; expecting an immediate end to our troubles. Yet at the same time, we often don’t understand or threaten disbelief like the Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, and even his own disciples.
Jesus said, “Why are you terrified?  Do you not yet have faith?” Jesus did not see chaos in the storm. God doesn’t see chaos, because God is with us.
Have faith.  Follow that boat. “Whoever is in Christ is a new creation.”
His Word to the storms and chaos in our lives, “Quiet, be still.”

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