GiGi and the Pope
Hubris is a word that I learned
in high school or college. It was probably a word I had to learn for a vocabulary test. I probably memorized then forgot it. I
learned it again in studying for the Diaconate. I learned it was a sin.
Hubris is having excessive pride. It’s the opposite of humility. Joshua and John may have had a
little issue with hubris.
Eldad and Medad were in camp (among those
they loved) when the spirit of God came upon
them and they preached God.
Joshua comes to Moses “stop them.” They
can’t be prophesizing, they weren’t at the meeting. Moses’ answer “Are you
jealous for my sake?”
John came to Jesus "Teacher, we saw
someone driving out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him because he
does not follow us." John’s concerned was he does not follow us, not that he is following
Joshua and John protective of who they were and their relationships were guilty of hubris. Pride
is sin. Most of us are guilty. I am.
GiGi Thrasher is a minister in Moss
Point, Ms. You've probably never heard
of her or her ministry; but, I asked if I could tell her story and she said yes. Her blog Tents, Tarps, and
Tears is about her ministry, family, and life.
Her ministry began because she saw people
living under bridges. She acts as a go between for the homeless and help
organizations. Along with her husband, she goes into camps, brings food, helps with
appointments, helps find housing, and shares what God has done for her.
GiGi’s words to me “YOU know what a mess I was.”
Her ministry works with transitional
shelters, councils, and coalitions for the homeless. This has enabled her to
tap into funds for housing and rehabilitation of the homeless.
Seeing her wonderful ministry, I was
guilty of hubris. It was after my ordination that I saw the announcement of
GiGi’s ordination.
I was like Joshua and John, STOP-IT. She
doesn’t follow us; a woman being ordained. She’s been married twice and
non-denominational. But, my biggest issue was I knew what a mess she was!”
But praise God, the Holy Spirit spoke to
my heart. Don’t be jealous and full of self-pride. Get rid of it; cut it off.
The words of Moses “Would that all the
people of the LORD were prophets!"
The words of Jesus "There is no one
who performs a mighty deed in my name can at the same time speak ill of me. For
whoever is not against us is for us.”
Holy Spirit showed me “What a mess I was!”
This week Pope Francis addressed Congress
(speaking of a mess.) The Catholic News Service paraphrased his address "Stop bickering, the world needs your help.”
I didn’t remember those words. I
printed up the address to read and didn’t find the words; but, I found the message. A message passed by Pope Francis from the testimoney of the lives of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton. Americans whose lives and actions speak of God, humility, service, and love.
Francis compared these peoples humility to the problems
in the world that have arisen from hubris in the human
condition. It’s the things James wrote about. “You have fattened your hearts ….”
Hearts fattened by greed, bigotry, injustice, hatred, and the disregard of human
Christians, the world needs our help. The
Pope speaks to the world. Father Joe serves you and I. GiGi’s ministry is to the
homeless and addicted.
To whom do you offer a cup of water for
the sake of Christ?
Don’t be full of yourself; don’t say I
can’t; don’t say I’m too messed up.
Instead, be like Eldad and Medad, go to
those you care about: as spouse, parent, child, sibling, friend, neighbor, and
co-worker. By our baptism, God calls each of us to lead others to Christ. Christ sends us
the Holy Spirit to share his love with others.
What’s stopping you: hubris, jealousy, or
self-bickering? These things keep us from allowing God to work through us.
Believing in and loving God with all our
being is the potent message of our life. It is a potent message for the life of others. We bring others
to Christ by the way we live, prayer, and faithfulness to God.
Police officer, firefighter, and first
responder pray for those who need your help. Doctors, Nurses, and caregivers ask God to guide your
care. Teachers see the needs of your students through the eyes of God.
Look around you; who needs your ministry?
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