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Saturday, May 7, 2016

Enlightened - Reflection Ascension Sunday/Mother's Day

To be enlightened is moving to a higher level of knowledge and understanding. For most of us, mothers, grandmothers, or someone we consider like a mother was the beginning of our enlightenment. We learned the meaning of “No!” and “Hot!” They taught us to pray and gave us unconditional love.
There are other things that can enlighten us. Have you ever been seen a great master piece, like a painting on Christ’s life and passion? Did it move you to the foot of the cross? Art can be enlightening.
Maybe it is music or the words of a poem that brings you closer to God. The realization in your heart there is something more, You know that God is alive in Jesus Christ. In prayer and contemplation, you find yourself in the presence of God, alive in the holy Spirit, and Christ is in you.
Jesus said, I am sending the promise of my Father upon you. We find mercy in this promise of hope, joy, love and forgiveness that speaks to our hearts through the beauty of life.
St. Paul writes “May the eyes of your hearts be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope that belongs to his call.” We are enlightened to Christ who is the heart of love.
It is hard for some people to find this love. “Why are you standing there looking at the sky?” They can’t find God; to them God is far off. Jesus has gone to heaven and we are condemned to wait.
“Why are you standing there looking at the sky?”
We know what to do. We have been given all that Jesus did and taught until the day he was taken up.
No special knowledge is needed. We are enlightened by Christ who is in us. It is not something that is far off, it is in you. The power of the Father is in each of us. Stop waiting. Live a life as a Christians in union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And with each other, God is in us.
Ask, “Why are we standing there looking at the sky?”  
Realize Christ is alive in us. The love of Christ is our strength. God lives in us and this is the surpassing greatness of his power for us who believe. In Jesus’ own words - I am in them and Father you are in me and the people who believe are in Christ and the Father.
Here we find our mission as Christians to journey as Jesus' followers. We are in the union of Father and Son. Instead of looking at the sky, find Christ in this unity. Instead of waiting, find unity with God, now.
This is the heart of love. This is enlightenment. This is our ascension.
Look into self in prayerful contemplation. Get lost in music or a painting that brings you closer to God. Open hearts to the promise of the Father. Enlightened by his presence bring the hope of the Father which is mercy, love, joy, and forgiveness to the all the world.
Knowing the promise of God, raises us up; it enlightens us. It’s the love our Mothers want for us.
Happy Mother’s day.
Y’all be good; y’all be holy. Preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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