Driving in Today's World
This has been a busy week. Last Sunday, I preached at two masses. That evening, I drove to Shreveport for a Rosary Service for my cousin. The next day was the Rite of Christian Burial which I participated. The graveside was performed by a Charismatic non denominational Protestant.
On Wednesday, I preached the mass for the children of Our Lady of Fatima elementary school. That evening and every day for the rest of the week I was either at a vigil service or funeral mass to attend or to serve.
During this time I was preparing a Safety Training Presentation called Driving In Today's World. I thought about that this week working with the children who are preparing to drive their life in today's world. I thought about those whose earthly life had just ended and how they had driven and lived their lives in today's world.
Three funerals, two were for people who had lived a long life, both were in their late eighties, an age when one expects death. One, my cousin, was only in his mid-fifties, the same age as me. His death was a surprise.
Two waited for the Lord. They had lived long. They were faithful. They were dutiful. And one thought there were many more years to come. Two had priests, deacons and friends to celebrate their lives. One had many friends and many preachers, both Catholic and Protestant.
These three people lived very different lives. The way each came to the Lord was different. They were all Catholic. By their lives they witnessed for God. By the way they lived in today's world, by the way they loved, by their generosity, and the example they set they strived to preach the gospel.
The Psalmist sings, "Here I am Lord! I come to do your will." That is what the Lord wants, God wants you. God is not interested in all the fancy stuff. God wants our obedience and our heart. God wants us to say, Behold, I come.
We are called to be apostles. We are called to be his church. We are called to be holy people, no matter where we are. We are called in our flesh and in our lives; in how we are living in today's world.
We are to be like John the Baptist letting the world know the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Our lives are to proclaim the kingdom of God.
We might follow the example of an 88 year old man who went to daily mass, prayed for souls in purgatory, a great husband and the father of a Deacon. Or, maybe we might follow the example of an 87 year old church secretary, a wife, a mother, and a teacher to so many. The gospel may be preached to us by the generous and loving heart of a 56 year old riding a Harley Davidson.
This are the things driving life in today's world. This is how the message of salvation reaches out to each of us. This is how the message of Salvation reaches to the ends of the Earth.
Y'all be good, y'all be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen
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