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Friday, October 20, 2017

Test Your Mattress not Jesus, 29th Sunday OT A

God has made us for himself.
In the 1980’s Northeast Louisiana University (NLU) had the top ranked School of Construction in the country.  As I travel the region, I meet graduates of this program with successful construction companies. Not too many identify themselves in a tradition of NLU.
One friend of mine with an NLU Construction degree has become very wealthy. He considers himself “a self-made man.”
His office is full of LSU posters, helmets, jerseys, and memorabilia. On one small section of his wall are a football letterman’s certificate, his NLU helmet, two All-American Awards, and a Hall of Fame plaque. No honor and glory is given the NLU tradition that made him. His reasons are business, preference, and choice; besides, it was a long time ago.
For many, the same thing has happened with God and our faith. We forget God has made us for himself. We fail to see the hand of God in all things
Instead, we interpret the Gospel to please us. We choose the parts of Jesus’s teachings that are easy to believe and popular. We choose how we worship God like we choose a team or shop for a mattress. We go to different stores, lie on different mattresses, and check style, firmness, comfort, and popularity. We choose what we like.
Do not confuse the freedom in the world with how we are to worship God. Jesus tells us not to be confused. Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. We are not to test God.
When we worship, whose image do we see? Worshipping God is not worshipping at the altar dedicated to us.
People choose their altar of worship by the amenities, what is good and comfortable. People choose their churches by.... They have a beautiful new building. It’s the right place to be seen. There’s a coffee bar. Worship is lively and worship means the music. They have things for the kids.
Worshiping God is not about choosing a baby sitter for children or the adults. Worship is to give God glory and honor. Worship is to praise the Lord. God is awesome. He is beyond all even fancy buildings, coffee shops, and hip church bands.
People will say they attend a Bible teaching church and the Catholic Church relies on tradition not the Bible. At every mass more of the Bible is read than at most Protestant church services. Scripture is proclaimed in the first reading, psalms, epistle, alleluia, Gospel, and even the Eucharistic prayers. Consider this truth, the infinite mystery, wondrous grace, and awesome glory of God cannot be contained only in the Bible.
It is found in the tradition of the Church. Tradition is the people of the Church who shared the Gospel and worship before the Holy Bible was put together. Four hundred years of tradition started by Jesus. Tradition lives in the world.
Jesus we know you are a truthful man and you teach the word of God. Tradition is truth that Jesus shared and Paul writes about “the Gospel does not come in word alone, but also in the power and in the Holy Spirit....”
The prophet Isaiah points out that event the even the most powerful and wealthy are not self-made. God has made us for himself; and, all we have and all that we are comes from him and belongs to him.
We can choose our team. We shop for the best mattress. But, we cannot change God. We cannot change the Gospel to fit your beliefs. For those who do, we are hypocrites that test God.
Remember God’s message, Though you know me not, there is none besides me. I am the Lord and there is no other.”
If shopping is necessary, read the Gospel. Read Jesus’ words. Study the writings from the early Church. Know that God wants us to shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life. Jesus’ Church is faith, love, and endurance for its people and tradition.
Be good, be holy and preach the Gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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