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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Here's Your Sign - Homily 4th Sunday of Lent


Lynn Malone of First United Methodist in Monroe, LA, tells this perspective – “If I could kick the behind of the person who gives me the most trouble, I couldn’t sit down for a week.” It is a good thing to remember.
Lord, let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget you!
Before cell phones….
Before  Facebook….
Before social media….
Before people ranted to the world on the Internet.....
There was this (Hold up sign) - This sign and the guy waving it seemed to show up, everywhere.
He showed up at ball games both college and professional games. If it was a televised event - golf tournaments, World Series, NBA championships, and even the Super Bowl. He and the sign showed up.
The television cameras always found the John 3:16 guy. It may have been because he usually had on a rainbow colored wig. This was way before people actually wanted their hair to be those colors.
Tim Tebow, as a college football player and Heisman Trophy winner, wore eye black that proclaimed - John 3:16.
And the words of John 3:16 are “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.”
Now instead of this cardboard sign….. (Hold up sign)
The messages the world gives are abominations polluting God’s people. Abominations of the world keep us from loving God and loving our neighbor. In the absence of that love, we fail to listen to God’s word and God’s message. And, we do wrong. 
Many ignore the word of God. Many forget the message of John 3:16. Many want to forget God
In these, enemies are still attacking God. The enemies of God are attacking the house of God. The enemies of God are attacking the temple made up of true believers.
In the modern world, the enemy is not some distant king; but, it is the people around us who have become the enemies of God. They reject His love and His mercy. They choose exile from him - instead of eternity with him.
In our world the physical defines who we are, what we are, what we believe. It can be difficult to believe anything else. People will say this-  that I can touch and feel - that I can see -  that I can smell or taste – that makes me feel this way - is the most important thing to me. This is my god.
In the wickedness of their god, they cannot believe in the goodness and love of God.  Jesus said whoever does not believe has already been condemned. God the father does not condemn. The Son does not condemn. Those who choose the darkness condemn themselves.
Light has come into the world; but, people preferred darkness to light….
Look around. How many people do you see holding up the message of God? How many are holding up the sign that says I believe. (Hold up sign)
Instead you will probably see other agendas. Abominations that are a perverse understanding of God that is not about love. These scandals can exist even in those who call themselves Christians.
Those who worship the things of the world add infidelity to infidelity. Everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light. Those who choose the darkness condemn themselves.
I am not pointing fingers at any one person, because we are all always just one choice away from darkness. The line that divides the light from the darkness passes right through the middle of our heart. Every choice we make moves us closer to heaven or to hell. Every choice is either for the light of the world or for darkness.
For those who have problems with belief, for those fighting darkness, and for all of us in middle – Here’s your sign. (Hold up sign)
Remember - We are his handiwork, created in Christ Jesus. God is always open to our change: ready for our repentance in His kindness to us in Jesus Christ. It is by grace we are saved.
Lord, let my tongue be silenced if I ever forget you!
Be good, be holy and preach this Gospel. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life.” Amen.

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