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Sunday, June 24, 2018

Homily on ACTS Retreats - Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

This was a beautiful day. It has been a great weekend and a month to remember in the Diocese of Shreveport. Saturday, was the ordination to transitional deacon of Keven Muse. It seems yesterday he was a baby faced underclassmen at Catholic Campus Ministry telling me he was considering the priesthood.
Earlier this month, Bishop Ducca ordained Fr. Duane Trombetta and celebrated the first profession of vows for Sister Heather to The Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows. Next Thursday is the fourth year anniversary of the ordination of my deacon class. Our Diocese is joyous in these events.
This weekend is also the kickoff for the Men’s August ACTS Retreat.
That brings to mind the Army recruitment slogan from years past, "The Army is looking for a few good men." You probably would get in trouble for saying that in today's world. 
But I can say this with confidence, God is looking for a few good men (and women and young adults); a few good souls to complete the work of His kingdom. God has called people, great and small alike, like John the Baptist and the prophets to proclaim his Kingdom. God continues to call us today.
The prophet Isaiah’s words, The LORD called me from birth; from my mother's womb… God spoke to Jerimiah: Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you….. This weekend, one of young man answered the call of God to carry on his kingdom.  Our own, now Deacon Kevin Muse is a prophet of God called to this modern world.
But if truth is known he calls all. He has called people throughout history. He is calling you. Maybe not to the priesthood or the diaconate or a consecrated religious life; but, God is calling to you. God asks each of us to proclaim his kingdom come.
You’re looking at me and saying, “Deacon I can’t do that I have no talent or gift of any kind.” No one say they have no gift, no talent or is so poor or weak that they cannot give what they have to God. God asks for what you have and that is who you are.  
It is natural to be hesitant, maybe afraid.
That is the story of Zachariah. An Angel of God appears to Zachariah and said God in his mercy and grace was bestowing a son to Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth. This caused Zachariah to be troubled and afraid. He and Elizabeth were old and barren. He did not believe and Zachariah was made mute for his doubt.
After mass we are going to have someone tells us about the Men’s ACTS Retreat to be held in August.  It will be natural to be hesitant, maybe afraid. But the ACTS retreat or someone you meet there may be your angel.
One thing about the ACTS retreat, it is like what the Angels said about John – filled with the Holy Spirit
Men and women who have attended an ACTS retreat will tell you it is a Spirit filled experience.  And, when the Holy Spirit is present, something always happens. Where the Holy Spirit is, things are never at a standstill. It is the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength to achieve holiness in our everyday lives.
And this was St. John’s life. Filled with the Holy Spirit, John heralded the coming of Christ by proclaiming a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.
God doesn’t call us all to be a John the Baptist. He calls everyone from where they are. He calls leaders like David. He calls prophets like Isaiah and Jeremiah. God calls everyday people, all imperfect sinners. Abraham denied his wife. Moses killed a man. Noah was a drunkard. Peter denied Christ, three times. Paul  persecuted his Church. Mark ran away. He even calls people who think their best days are past like Zachariah and Elizabeth.
He calls us in who we are to proclaim His Kingdom. 
That is what ACTS is about. ACTS stands for Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service. In those we worship, praise, and proclaim his kingdom. ACTS is a way for us to work for God in who we are as men, women, and teens.
My friends, God’s work is not done by walking into a church. Gods work is done by walking out and helping others. God needs people to bring His forgiveness and His mercy to the world.
That can cause us trouble and fear because it is outside our comfort zone.
Going to an ACTS retreat may be outside our comfort zone. Yet, outside our comfort zone is where Jesus asks us to live and work and proclaim the Kingdom of God. Anyone who follows Jesus – loves. That is uncomfortable to the rest of the world. The world makes it uncomfortable for us.
The love of Christ is not a superficial sentiment. It is an attitude of the heart. We demonstrate that attitude when we live as He wants us to live.
But the world calls to us in worldly things. The people said his name would be Zachariah.
Elizabeth said “No, his name is John.”
The world never gives up trying pull you away from God. Then the people went to Zachariah asking what the child’s name would be.
God always call us to be his own. And he said, “His name is John.” And immediately his voice returned to bless God by giving praise and thanksgiving.
God is looking for good people, men and women to proclaim his kingdom. Christian believers living to accomplish what Jesus taught: praising God, sharing, serving, and loving our neighbors.
That’s what ACTS is about. Ask someone who has been to an ACTS retreat. They will tell you it was not what they expected. They didn’t think they needed to go.
Eight other deacon candidates and I thought we didn’t need to go. It changed us for the better.  Even, Fr. Rothell Price, who has been part of several ACTS retreats, says the spiritual benefit he received has been off the chart every time. These are spiritual benefits can prepare us for the Kingdom of God.
A friend, a senior in High School, is entering the military after graduation from High School. The recruiter told him to lose 20 pounds, attend regular recruitment meetings, graduate, and prepare for the aptitude test. For the military to be his future, he must change his life and keep that change alive.  
We say we want the Kingdom of God. Are we preparing for that wonderful place? What are we doing to build God’s kingdom? The ACTS retreat can put us on a path of growth and strength in spirit to answer God’s call.
Scripture tells us seek the Lord in prayer, He is the one who has called us. Congratulations Transitional Deacon Kevin Muse, Fr. Duane Trombetta, and Sister Heather, you heard God’s call; Happy Anniversary my brother Deacons.
For the rest, we must be open to God’s call. Grow in strength and spirit. Consider the ACTS retreat.
Live in the goodness and holiness found in the love of Christ, grow strong in the Holy Spirit, and you will preach the Gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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