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Friday, October 12, 2018

Physics, a Camel and the Eye of a Needle - 28th Sunday OTB

Podcast: The Servant's Cup - Camel, Needles and Physics

We are made by God for good things. One good thing is the richness of the gifts God has given us to share with the poor.
In college, I was required to take a physics lecture and lab. I had problems with that class. So I prayed and pleaded. If I would have had prudence or wisdom, I’d have gone to class and paid attention. But ultimately, I took the easy way out by changing my major.
Then God in His wisdom gave me a wonderful career as a safety engineer. My job is part of my ministry. I bring Christ to the companies and workers I help. Every time, I use prayer; almost, every time I use physics.
The basic rule of physics is this: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. My job is to prevent that reaction from being an accident.
For something I thought I’d never need, I use physics a lot.
I should have realized that gift sooner. I should have paid attention in class.  But, as a young man, I was too arrogant -- or ignorant -- or lazy -- or distracted to realize this opportunity was a gift I was given. 
That’s the way it is for most of us.
In the gospel, a rich man kneels before Jesus and asks, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?"
As an answer, Jesus recited the commandments of God.
Excited, the man said he had lived them his entire life. He presumed that is all took to gain eternal life. Presumptions can be based on being too arrogant or being too ignorant or being too distracted.  
He probably had this big smile and thought - I am perfect for this man Jesus.
Jesus, looking at him (possibly seeing an arrogant and ignorant man) loved him still.
Then Jesus continued, "You are lacking in one thing. Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me." At that statement the man’s face fell, and he went away sad….
He had many possessions. Maybe, he did not realize all his possession were a gift of God. The man was seeking eternal live but did not want to give up the one he was and become the one Jesus wanted him to be.   
St. Paul points out in his letter to the Hebrews; we cannot hide who we are from Christ. The word of God is living and effective, it penetrates our soul to discern the thoughts of the heart. Everything is exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must account. Jesus knew this man.
Jesus looked at him and loved him. That one verse is so important because Love calls for love in return.
For the rich man and for many, the one God wants us to be is not the one we want to be. To follow Jesus then we must forget self and move towards union with him which is love. That involves giving up the one we want to be to be the one God wants us to be.
That’s not easy.
The man had many possessions and Jesus said give them to the poor. The man grew sad and left. Jesus followed it up with these words to his disciples; it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
If I had paid more attention in that physics class, I would know more about getting an actual camel through the eye of a needle.  
But that is not what Jesus means. He is asking us to give up our worldly riches for the Kingdom of God.
Many argue they are not rich; but, God has showered each of us with riches. All the good things God has given us, our gifts, our talents, our opportunities, make us rich.
For some it is money or possessions. For some, it is time, skill, and labor. For some, it is teaching or preaching. For others, it may be just being there for others when they need or time spent in prayer.
If we are all rich, "Then who can be saved?"
Take the modern example of the rich man. It is a person who professes to follow Christ; yet, identifies with wealth or a certain circle of friends, the grandness of their house or car, and the clothes they wear. They refuse to share their gifts because they are part of the one they want to be instead of becoming the one God wants them to be.
Everything is exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must account. And, Jesus looks at them and loves them still.  
Or take the example Rose who lived 97 years. She never had a lot of money or a big house or a new car or designer clothes; yet, she was abundantly rich. Her riches were her smile, her prayers, her faith, her bluntness of truth, and her labors for Christ. She had no possessions the world would call riches, but, gave all she was given to be the one God wanted her to be.
Love calls for love in return.
Praying for wisdom didn’t work in physics; but, prayer is one of God’s richest gifts. Friends, our prayers and talents are the countless riches of the Kingdom of God. 
Jesus truth is for every action done in his name there is an even greater reaction:  “sell what you have, give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven, then follow me.”
We are made by God for good things. One good thing is the richness of the gifts that we have to share. Be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live and love one another. Amen.

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