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Sunday, January 13, 2019

We Need His Baptism - A Reflection on the Baptism of the Lord


Inspiration: Christian Prayer, Daily Office,  and notes from the Divine office website.
Jesus did not need to be baptized. So why was Jesus baptized?
Early theologian like Saint Gregory of Nazianzus said that the Lord was baptized to bless the waters.
With His body, with His divinity, in His Baptism, He blessed all the waters, so that water would have the power to give baptism. And then, before ascending to Heaven, Jesus told us to go into all the world to baptize.
St Gregory goes on to say, when Jesus rises from the waters; the world rises with him.
So the answer to why was Jesus baptized is simple, we needed His Baptism. In baptism, Jesus blessed us and blessed the whole world.
We should bless the Lord. The prophet Daniel understood.
Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. Praise and exalt him above all forever....
All you waters above the heavens, bless the Lord.... Every shower and dew, bless the Lord..... Dew and rain, bless the Lord.... You springs, bless the Lord.... Seas and rivers, bless the Lord....
You sons and daughters of men, bless the Lord.... Praise and exalt him above all forever.
Priests of the Lord, bless the Lord. Servants of the Lord, bless the Lord. Spirits and souls of the just, bless the Lord. Holy people of humble heart, bless the Lord.
Praise and exalt him above all forever. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let us praise and exalt him above all forever.
We bless the Lord by following his words. Christ Jesus told us to go into all the world to baptize.
To bring that baptism of Christ to the world is blessing the Lord and bringing his blessing to the world. We baptize with the same waters blessed and made holy by our Lord and savior when Jesus was baptized by John in the river Jordan.
Following Jesus’ command, we baptize to the present day. It is an unbroken chain. Parents baptized their children, and their children baptized their children, and their children baptized their children, and their children…
And that is the chain of faith!
He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
God shows no partiality.
The grace of God has appeared, saving all and training us to reject godless ways and worldly desires.
As believer, followers of Christ, we have a duty to transmit this promise of faith, a duty to pass these blessings of faith to our children.
It’s the most beautiful of our heritage.
Although we are unworthy, God looks down upon us, Christ says, with you I am well pleased.
Be good, be holy go out into the world and pass on the Gospel, pass on your faith, by living your baptism. Amen

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