As I was preparing for mass, making sure their was altar servers and other ministers to serve mass, a dear lady said to me “smile Deacon.”
Friends, we all have something to smile about today. We are here to worship God, to experience the Holy Spirit and to be untied with Jesus Christ as we share Holy Eucharist. This is joy. This is happiness, It is something to smile about about.
The Liturgy began today with this prayer, Lord grant us the constant gladness of being devoted to you for it is full of lasting happiness. Or as I like to say, be good, be holy, and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. The is the message the Holy Spirit has blessed to share in m ministry; sometimes, I get to share it in a homily.
In Deacon formation, one of the things taught in homiletics (for country folks, preaching class) was to be open to the Holy Spirit. Read the scripture, pray, and be open to the message God places in your heart.
But, keep the message less than 7 minutes because that is how long an adult pays attention. Fr. Paul’s guidance is to keep the homilies short. And, today we have our Thanksgiving celebration.
Time is short and we must prepare for what is to come. If the Spirit of Christ has placed this message in my heart, it will be heard no matter how many words are used.
The message that came to my heart was: Take these scriptures and tell everyone to live the life of charity and love that is possible through Jesus Christ by. Being good, being holy, and preaching the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another.
And then this - hurry, time is getting short; prepare for times to come.
Time is short; so, it is time to be examples for others. Be open to the Holy Spirit to share the good news. Live your life for Christ and the simplest, smallest acts will carry a powerful message. Jesus tells us, “When you give testimony..., I myself shall give you wisdom... and all will be powerless to resist or refute it.”
As we prepare for the coming of Jesus, it is time to be good, be holy, and live the good news of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will speak through our witness.
That is where many find problems, they are not open to the Holy Spirit. They don't want to hear the spirit of God speaking to their hearts. They don’t want to hear us.
True Christian witness is not readily welcomed in the world today.
Instead, the Church is filled with those St Paul described. They like what the church offers, they want what the church gives. They eat but they don't work. Some might not even believe in the divinity of Jesus. They worship the networking and status of their Church membership.
And they will not know the constant gladness of being devoted to the LORD.
Worldliness has made it acceptable to complain a homily is too long and and be angry mass ended after the kickoff or fuss at the priest because you didn’t beat the dinner rush. Maybe this is what Jesus spoke about and said; days will come when the foundation of faith will be attacked, stone upon stone thrown down.
Believers will be seized, persecuted and lead to trial because of Jesus' name. There will be some who say they speak for Christ or they are Christ.
Friends, the world is turning away from God and His word, Christ Jesus.
Pope Benedict XVI warned the Church of the future would become small; the world will turn many away from God. He wrote even Priests and Bishops by their actions and words will cause many to question faith.
Do not be deceived by the world.
Instead, imitate the apostles. Be filled with the Spirit. Tell the world, the Lord is coming again.
You don't have to be a great speaker, be you and share the good news by a kind word, a smile, and act of kindness. Live a life of charity and love. Be a model for those who have failed in their faith and a witness to those who have no faith.
Time is short for “Lo the day is coming.” The day is coming when the sun of justice, Christ Jesus, will return.
Do not be afraid. Stand erect and raise your hands. Redemption is at hand. Prepare and make ready the Church, Christ is coming again. Prepare for the coming advent.
Smile and pray these words, Lord grant us the constant gladness of being devoted to you. Amen.
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