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Sunday, February 2, 2020

All That You Have - Presentation of the LORD

This week, I went from Shreveport to New Orleans. Tuesday, I was in Shreveport for Bishop Francis I. Malone’s Episcopal Ordination. So many people were there to show him their love. There were many priests and deacons from the Diocese of Arkansas, family, and friends who came to support this wonderful man.

He thanked his family. He thanked the family of faith that he was leaving.

There were, also, many people, Priest, Deacons, and members of the religious communities of the Diocese of Shreveport that came to welcome him to his new community, family, and home. Everyone came to show him love.

He said, “To my new family, I am here for you. I give my life to you. I will die for you.”

On this Sunday, as we celebrate and remember the Presentation of the LORD Jesus Christ, the Church reminds us spiritually, the presentation of the Lord was Christ Jesus coming to meet his believing people.

Jesus who said to all those who beleive: I am here for you. I give my life to you. I will die for you.

As we give thanks on this feast day and give thanks for our new Bishop, consider the readings. The first reading from the prophet Malachi. “There will come to the temple the LORD whom you seek”

Although, I am not the comparing Bishop Malone to our Lord and Savior, he is the vicar of Christ here in our Diocese. He is the leader of the Church in North Louisiana. He is responsible for all the souls in our Diocese, Catholic, non-catholic, christian and everyone else.

And, his words to us, “I am here for you.”

In the second reading, St. Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, are these words: He had to become like his brothers and sisters in every way.

The word of God became man. He was born as a child to Mary. He was raised by his earthly parents as a normal child. He was like us in every way. Although, the angels appear to Mary and Joseph to tell both that this child Jesus was something special, a chosen one. They still humbly presented him at the temple, with a meager poor family’s offering of two pigeons or doves.

Jesus came humbly into the community of his human family with his presentation at the temple. A presentation before a family of believers and the LORD most high.

And our new Bishop came to our diocese in the same humble way. A monsignor, a priest from the Church Parish of Christ the King in Arkansas. At the solemn vespers on Monday night, he knocked on the door of the Cathedral to be let in, a stranger asking for an invitation to be part of our family.

On Tuesday, Monsignor Francis I. Malone came before the community of believers in the Diocese of Shreveport and presented himself before the community of believers and the LORD most high as the new Bishop of Shreveport. He came fully into his new family and community with these words, “You are my family. I am here for you.”

And from the gospel of Luke is Simeon’s words: “Master, my eyes have seen your salvation.”

Simeon blessed them and prophesied the agony to come to this family. “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted  —and you yourself a sword will pierce— so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

Jesus is the LORD’s salvation. His life was for the forgiveness of our sins. The Lord Jesus Christ gave his life, his humanity for our humanity. I am here for you. I give my life to you. I will die for you.

And Bishop Malone’s words:  “To my new family, I am here for you. I give my life to you. I will die for you.”

As I finished my week up in New Orleans. I walked out of the hotel to my truck and noticed a young couple unloading their car. They had been transferred to the area for work and were in for a short stay at the hotel.  The young man said, our whole life is in the trunk of this car.

I wished the young couple good luck in the new job and new community. I told them I hoped they found a place to live soon, made plenty of new friends, and enjoyed the area.

As I drove home, I thought of what I should have told this young couple - the thoughts of my heart.

Stuff is not what you are. Stuff is not their whole life. You have so much more. You have each other. You have who you are.

Give all that you have to each other. Give all that you have to God.

Go to the nearest Church. Knock on the door. Present yourself before the community and the LORD as children of God. Make a new community of family, brothers and sisters, in your new home. That makes a place home. Give all that you have.

That is what Christ Jesus did. Bishop Malone looks to emulate Christ.

Friends, take the opportunity to invite those around you to come and be part of our family.

Be good, be holy, and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen

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