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Monday, July 20, 2020

The Parable about the Kingdom of Heaven - Reflection 16th Sunday OA

(Inspired by Bible Odyssey article by Jonathan T. Pennington)

Jesus tells us in parable that the Kingdom of Heaven may be likened to a landowner who sows his fields with good seed. His enemy comes and sows weeds in the fields. When asked what to do, the landowner says to leave them. The bad will be sorted from the good at harvest time.

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven is the unifying theme of the bible. The OT identifies God as the king over all the world and promising the coming of a great king. In the NT, Jesus teaches the kingdom is near and He is the heir to the king

Today, there are few kings and queens, most are only figureheads. In the few countries with a royal family having authority it’s based on inequity and oppression.  

In most societies, suspicion is usually on any leader who has great power.  

So to many, the notion of God as king over all of creation is abstract and spiritual ideas with little effect on modern life. That’s a weed the enemy has planted.

But the kingdom of Heaven is not abstract. It is not oppressive or irrelevant but is a promise of God’s liberating and life-giving reign from heaven to earth. God will not this by his anointed one who will be a conduit of God’s blessing, peace, and justice in the world.

That anointed one is tell us the parables in the Gospel today.

Through parables and teachings Jesus describes the kingdom as present already.  The kingdom is like a seed sown in people’s hearts; like a treasure found hidden in a field; or a pearl of great price.  

It is there for us to find, like the thief crucified next to Jesus who asked to be received into Jesus’ kingdom. Jesus responded that on that day he will enter into paradise.

And, when Jesus is asked when the kingdom of God will come - he states the kingdom is not something that can be directly observed because “the kingdom of God is among/within you.”

Friends, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are bring the kingdom of Heaven by caring for the poor and needy, offering forgiveness and reconciliation, and bringing life and light to all nations. We are to do this until the kingdom comes and there is no distinction or inequity between any persons. This is how the eternal kingdom of Heaven impacts lives today.

Jesus, also, indicates that the kingdom of Heaven is not yet present but will come when God finally sets right the world.  It will come with Jesus’ return from heaven to earth as the glorified Son of Man.

Jesus tells us that at that time those who have done the will of God will enter into the kingdom and eternal life. He will separate the good and the bad.

Jesus speaks of both of these realities because the reign of God may be described as both “already and not yet,” and “now with more to come.” And, not everyone can understand or accept his teachings about the kingdom

The difficulty of these teachings is why so many do not realize their truth in this modern world. There are some true believers, Christians who work to bring the kingdom of Heaven to earth. There are others who believe and they are the enemies of God.

The devil attacks the Kingdom that is in this world by attacking the Church, people of faith, and peace.

Now is the time for fight to realize and bring the kingdom of Heaven to earth. Fight with prayer for protection because the enemy will attack. Fight with peace because the enemy brings violence. Fight with a humble spirit against the arrogance of the world.

St Paul wrote that the Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness . . . because he intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.

God’s kingdom is present now and forever because he rightly rules over his own creation. Be good, be holy, and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another, in prayer, peace, and humbleness of spirit. Amen.

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