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Monday, October 12, 2020

Invitation - Homily 28th Sunday OTA

Before mass, someone said, I just want to tell say you’ve become a really good preacher. You were always good, but lately you’ve gotten better.

I considered this during the first and second readings. I remembered my first homilies I tried so hard to get right. God would put a message on my heart and I would change it to get it just right. But, I noticed the less I edited the more it touched them people.

God supplies all we need.

He did this week. Friday, at 2:00 p.m., I was on the phone with a customer who did not want to end our conversation. Finally, I said "I need to go, I am preaching this weekend and need to read scripture and pray."

My friend said, I think God is calling me to ministry; but, I been too bad. I not good enough. And, I am definitely not smart enough.

Then he continues. My wife and I were raised Pentecostal but now attend a small Baptist Church. I was asked to be an usher and on the first Sunday when I went to take up the collection, the minister asked me to lead the offertory prayer. .

I had never prayed in public. I stammered, stuttered, and am sure offered the worst prayer. After service, I asked the preacher to please not call on me again. He did, the next Sunday; but then quietly added "Brother Bob, pray from your heart."

One Sunday the preacher came to me and asked "Brother would you consider being a youth minister?"

I had excuses. “I'm too bad, I not good or holy enough.  I'm definitely not smart enough. I’ve never been to seminary. I don’t know the bible well enough. ”

The preacher said, “I don’t either. I am just a country the boy the Lord called to preach the gospel.” Then he added, “I think he is calling you. If not the youth minister please consider teaching youth Sunday school classes with your wife.”

The Sunday school classes had been taught by an elderly couple for many years.  My friend said he explained he would not be comfortable taking Brother Billy’s class. The kids loved him and he loved them. Since his wife’s death the kids were all he had.

The preacher said, just help. The next Sunday, Brother Billy’s class was wonderful, well taught, and full of love. Afterwards, the old man came up to us and said “Thank you for your help, I have been praying God would provide.”

He continued, “I have needed help for this class. My wife helped me for years. She would teach me the lesson, because I cannot read or write.”

My friend said God humbled him at that moment.

Isaiah wrote, God will provide for the needs of his people.  

Jesus taught us to pray “Thy Kingdom Come. Thy will be done. ”Every day, it’s prayed hundreds of thousands of times. Hopefully, hundreds of millions of times - Christianity is l the most widely practice religion in the world.

Ideally 2.4 billion people daily will pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done.” That is a lot of people praying for an invitation to the wedding feast.

So when the invitation goes out, we will see how many will come.

The invitation is something special. The Prophet Isaiah calls it feast of salvation. He writes: The LORD God will destroy death, wipe away the tears from every face; the reproach of his people he will remove.

Jesus parable is about the promise of salvation. It was a message meant for the Pharisees, elders, and all the Jewish people. It is a warning for Christians today.

Our salvation depends on us making the correct response to Gods invitation. So, Jesus tells the parable with two parts.  

The first is about those who seem to be worthy, the favored ones. However, they insult the King and his heir by declining the invitation. They put their own interests first.  Something is more important to them than their salvation.

The second part of the story focuses on those who would never have considered getting an invitation. The rest of us, the bad and good, those who don’t think they’re worthy to receive the Kings invitation.

Jesus tells us that God wishes salvation for all since He makes the invitation to everyone. If we sincerely accept that invitation it will change us. That change is our wedding garment.

There is warning for those who don't get it right. They will be cast out into the darkness where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.

Think about what that means. Although we want everyone to be in heaven - Hell is real and we must take it seriously. Hell is not filled by the ones that God rejects but by those who reject God.

Like the invited guests who spurned the kings invitation, they will never know the heavenly banquet because they unknowingly chose hell.

Friends, the truth is God invites us to this wedding feast every day; all of us, bad and good alike. None of us are worthy. The invitation of salvation is for all. It is an undeserved, unmerited grace that comes to us in God’s lovingkindness. It is God’s will that is to provide for all his people’s need.

Believers pray, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done”. Hopefully millions and millions times a day.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel everyday by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen

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