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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lent – preparing for communion - Reflection 1st Sunday of Lent

Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

Today is the first Sunday in Lent and I had a great ministry experience visiting with the children preparing to make their first communion.

The first day of Lent began as I prayed and contemplated Luke 4:16-30. Jesus went to the synagogue in his home town of Capernaum and was given the scroll to read. He said this has been fulfilled in your hearing. The people didn't necessary like what Jesus said.

The scripture readings at mass included the Gospel telling us of Jesus’ temptation in the desert; and, how Jesus proclaimed the gospel of God. And in the epistle, Peter wrote "Christ suffered so He might lead you to God.”

My random passage for prayer was PS 19:15 - "Let the words of my mouth and the thought of my heart find favor before you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer."  I thank the Holy Spirit gave me that  one in preparation for speaking to children.

It was a wonderful blessing to meet with the first communion preparation class. I had come to explain receiving communion. I let them taste the unconsecrated communion host. I explained they were eating just bread.

Then I told them how it becomes the body of Christ when consecrated on the altar. The Eucharist is when we as a Church celebrate the Lord’s Last Supper. Then I asked if anyone could tell me what that was?

My grandson raised his hand and explained it beautifully and almost perfectly. Jesus took bread and wine and gave it to his disciples and said this is my body and blood – eat it.

Trying to speak so a seven year old can understand, I explained that after it becomes the body of Christ, it was still going to look like bread and wine, taste like bread and wine, and feel like bread and wine. But, through the prayers of the priest, the power of the Holy Spirit, and grace of God, it becomes the real body and blood of Christ.

Afterwards one little girl told her mom, she had tasted communion bread. Mom ask, “Did she like it?”  She said “It was wonderful and it wasn’t even Jesus yet.”

These children are so excited about their first communion and becoming part of the celebration of the mass; But, what about the rest of us? Many have become like the people in Jesus home town. They listen to Jesus and find his words troublesome.

I think over the past year, many have found themselves in the desert with all these temptations around them. The devil is challenging so many people’s faith.  He wants us to be like those who get mad a Jesus and let Jesus slip from their midst.

Prayerfully this is not my fate. By God’s grace, it is not the fate of these children so excited to soon be receiving Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  But, possibly it may a problem for those easily finding a reason not to come to mass.

Friends it is time to get excited about receiving Jesus. Our Lady of Fatima and St. Lawrence have three masses on the weekend. Each mass has good attendance; but, none are full. Come back to mass. Come back to Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Christ suffered so much so that he might lead you to God.

Follow him. Call your priest. Call your deacon. Reserve a spot and prepare to make yourself ready for the Kingdom of God. Make yourself ready this Lent.

Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Praise be Jesus Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

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