Praise Be Jesus Christ forever and ever.
Have you ever asked a question knowing the answer,
trying to catch someone saying something wrong? I did it when my children were young.
They were not good at telling a fib. "Did one of
you get into the jar of peanut butter?
No, they would answer and had good reasons in the
eyes of a child why peanut butter was all over the room.
As the years passed, I learn to read their body
language, expressions, and especially their eyes. The eyes can be the mirrors
to the soul. It was a good skill to have as they became teenagers.
Although not to same end, the Jewish temple leaders, Pharisees, and scribes were always trying to trick Jesus. Using human truths and laws in a dishonest way to achieve what they wanted.
What they wanted was to discredit Jesus and they tried to do it all the time.
Once they asked him “Is it right for a man to
divorce his wife?” Another time they questioned him “Is it right to pay taxes
to Caesar or not?”
Jesus’ answers was to the point. You hypocrites! Why are you trying to trap me?"
Those probably knew the
truth about Jesus. Surely they saw the miracles all over the places he went. They
recognized in his body language, expression, and words that he spoke with
authority. Surely, they could not have looked into His eyes (the eyes of God) and treated
Jesus the way the treated him.
But, they were trying to trap him with human law. They
were using worldly truth to achieve what they wanted.
Friends most of the time, when we sin we are doing the same thing. We justify our sin by worldly things. Many look at human terms, laws, and opinions and ignore God’s truth.
Sin is a terrible thing. However, people think it is no big deal most of the times. It is a small thing. God forgives. The sinner will get over it. Others will get over it. With that, the sinner abandons God and reason. .
People are trying to trick God, look around, how is that going?
Human law changes. Politicians and lawmakers will not remain in
office. They will not live forever. However, Jesus remains forever. God’s truth
remains forever.
The one the world is trying to trick by human law and reason knows our thoughts. The world can never trick God or trap Jesus; even though humanity as tried since the beginning of hiistory.
That is why today’s gospel is a little different. The question
of “What is the greatest commandment?” might have been asked to trap Jesus.
Jesus’ answer: The Lord our God is Lord alone! You
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all
your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself.
That answer open the eyes of the scribe. He saw the truth of who Jesus was in the answer the scribe already knew. The scribe listened to Jesus and looked into his eyes and saw God. The scribe acknowledges the truth in Jesus’ words.
Jesus saw the scribe
Our sin is the peanut butter all over the room. We can never make up a situation where
God’s answer and truth is to blame. If we deny it or justify it, sin is sin. Realize, it is of the world. Give
to Caesar what is Caesars.
Live by the greatest commandments so that never will
the situation arise when we think we can trick Jesus to justify our sin. Everyday, imagine yourself looking into the loving eyes of Jesus and merciful eyes of God.
Living that greatest commandment is to know truth. Knowing truth, never will you question Jesus again.
Be good, be holy and live the greatest commandment
by the way you live your life and love one another.
Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.