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Saturday, October 2, 2021

Scruples - Memorial of St. Therese & 1st Friday


Today is the Memorial of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the Little Flower of Jesus. She is remembered for the simplicity and practicality of her faith, the little way. But, in the simple practical faith she practice was plagued by scruples, which is guilt and anxiety about moral or religious issues. Mental health professionals define scruples is a moral or religious obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD).

Maybe, more people should have guilt and anxiety on moral and religious issues.

Sometimes, it takes hardships for people realize their faults. The Jewish people realized theirs during the Babylonian captivity. The prophet Baruch wrote – “Justice is with the Lord, our God; and we are flushed with shame”

“We neither heeded the voice of the Lord, our God, nor followed the precepts the Lord set before us.”  “… each went after the devices of his own wicked heart….”

The lack of a moral compass or a religious base can lead to a wicked and harden heart. God told us through Moses and Jeremiah that people are hard hearted. Isaiah wrote about insensitive and hard hearts. Daniel wrote about arrogant hearts.

In the gospel of Mathew, Jesus speaks about hearts that have become dull. The King James Version of the bible, the words are “The hearts of the people is waxed gross”

Sadly, today many lack scruples.

So many people’s hearts are hard about so many different things. Hearts are waxed gross. Faith has become dull. A lack of scruples allows people to hear but not understand and to see but not perceive.

One political leader’s remark on their Bishop’s statement against abortion was “I’m just don’t agree.”

Consider what Jesus told his apostles, “Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me - whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.”

If today you hear his voice - harden not your hearts.

St. Therese, little flower of Jesus, pray for us.

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