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Monday, January 17, 2022

Help Me to be Good - Homily 2nd Sunday OTC

Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

My youngest grandson has a devotion to Mary. Every Sunday after mass he runs to the prayer garden at St. Lawrence and stands at the foot of the  statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And he says this prayer ‘God is great, God is good. Amen.’

Then he adds “Please help me be a good boy. Amen.

We pray that little prayer a lot at our house.

There was a wedding at Cana. Jesus’ mother was there and so were Jesus and his disciples. When the wine ran short, Mary went to Jesus with the problem. His answer to her, “how does your concern affect me, my hour has not yet come.”

That is an interesting question. We could pray about it for hours. But look at Mary’s response.

His mother just turned around and said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” And, they did. They filled six stone jars with water. Then, the waiters drew some out. The water had become the good wine.

In her response to Jesus, think of the Christmas song Mary, did you know that your baby boy Would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your baby boy Would save our sons and daughters?

All good mothers know their children; but, maybe Mary knew a little more. Remember all the things she was told and kept in her heart, by the Angels, by Elizabeth, by the shepherds and knelt and paid homage to the new king. She kept in her heart, the words of Simeon and the Prophetess Anna from the presentation at the temple.  All the things she was told and kept in her heart, Mary knew.

Jesus is the good wine for God is great. God is good. Amen.

And Mary has always brought our problems and needs to Jesus.

The headwaiter was speaking about more than just the wine in his cup when he said, “Everyone serves good wine first… but you have kept the good wine until now.”

In that time with no newspaper or internet or television, people would have shared this story about a new teacher they had hear about from Nazareth. They would share the story in the marketplaces and meeting places and homes. And as that story was shared from person to person, people may have compared Jesus to another great person – Moses who had turned the water of the Nile into blood.

Now, something greater had happened. Someone greater had turned water into wine at a wedding in Cana.

Some would remember the prophecy of Isaiah that told of a wedding, a covenant between God and his people in which the LORD God rejoices.  They would compare the wedding Isaiah promised to bring blessings and great joy to the people to this wedding at Cana.

Some would begin to believe that Jesus is the new covenant. He would bring blessings. It was Jesus who simply spoke and the water in these stone jars became wine. It was the best of wine at the wedding in Cana.

It was the best wine, think about the promise. Certainly, the good wine brings joy, abundance, blessing, and life that God promised. Some who heard the story would know something special had happened. Some would realize the good wine presented at that wedding was Jesus, the goodness of God brought to us.

That best would continue to bless. There would be miracles, healings, and casting out demons. He would feed the hungry, calm the seas, and walk on water. He would transform wine into his own blood. He would give the gift of salvation for all God’s adopted sons and daughters. Through him is the promise of eternal life. He would give of himself to make us good wine.

We are made good wine through the power of the Holy Spirit. Some will receive the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and faith. Others receive the gifts of healing, mighty deeds, and prophesy. Still, some will receive the gifts of discernment of spirits, speaking in tongues, and interpretation.

These gifts are given to serve God and to live out his plan for us. A divine plan put in place before we were born that is part of His covenant. Our destiny is to bring God’s divine plan into the world. He gives us the gifts to fulfill that destiny. He gives us the good wine of Christ.

Do not be disappointed if you don’t have a gift of tongues or healing or mighty deeds. Your gift may be to recognize the good Jesus Christ and share it so others will know the greatness and goodness of God.

Your gift may a devotion to Mary, being an example to others, praying for others, and bringing the needs of many to Jesus’s mother so she can bring them to Jesus.

Maybe your gift is to glorify Jesus and believe. Maybe our gift is to listen to him, and He will help us to be good.

Be good, be Holy, and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. That is your greatest gift.” Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen.

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