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Friday, September 8, 2023

Whoever Disregard This Disregard God - First Friday 9/1/23

Readings - 1 Thes 4:1-8Lk 21:36Mt 25:1-13

There is a profound message in today’s scripture.  I want you to hear it. I want you to share it with all who will hear you - The will of God is our holiness.

St Paul writes - God did not call us to impurity but to holiness; whoever disregard this disregards God.

Holiness is to draw near to God.

In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus tells us how to answer the call to holiness - “Pray Constantly.”  Be vigilant; pray so you have the strength to stand before the Son of Man.

Then Jesus gives us the parable of 5 wise virgins and 5 foolish virgins. 

The 5 wise virgins prepared themselves for the coming of the bridegroom. The brought out their lamps, trimmed the wicks, and brought extra flasks of oil.

They were waiting for the LORD to come. They had the light of faith.  The wicks trimmed so the flame would burn bright. They stayed vigilant and brought extra oil to keep the flame burning.

They did everything they needed to do be able to draw near to the LORD.

The 5 foolish virgins were unprepared. When the bridegroom came, their light was out. They were not vigilant.

They had run out of oil. Not ready for the coming of the bridegroom.

See Christians today.

Those who seek holiness are vigilant in prayer, worship, and praise of God.

The foolish want God on their terms. Cafeteria Catholics choosing what is easy. Ignoring what is right or hard.

Catholics who do not come to mass or confession. There are those who do not rightfully receive the Blessed Sacrament.  There are those who do not pray.

Christians worshipping the popular of the world rather than following truth in God’s will. Many choose to identify as spiritual but not religious and follow the will of the world expressed in human voice.

Just like the foolish virgins, people consider themselves good. They identify as Catholics, Christians, or even something else.  How many are answering a call to holiness?

Are we following God’s will?

God calls us to holiness through Jesus Christ. Whoever disregard this disregards God.

One day the foolish will be knocking at the gates of Paradise – calling – “Lord, Lord, open the door for us.”

He will say in reply, “I do not know you.”

There is a profound message in today’s scripture.  Hear it & share it with all who will hear - The will of God is our holiness. God wants us to draw near to Him. 

Whoever disregard this disregards God.

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