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Sunday, October 15, 2023

What Should I Wear? - 28th Sunday OTA

Praise be Jesus Christ for ever and ever. Amen.

I am not a fashion plate. Growing up, I was a big boy (husky). My family struggled financially. My clothes were from Grants, Kmart, or Howard Brothers. During the winter, I may get a pair of cheap boots or tennis shoes for school and a couple of flannel shirts. By summer, my jeans would be full of holes so they became cutoffs. Mom would take out her sewing machine to make shirts. Every now and then, there would be a new package of pocket t-shirts. My parents dressed my brothers and I to the best of their ability.

Today, I still have trouble dressing myself. Getting ready for mass, my stole gets twisted under my dalmatic. I put things on backwards. In fact, the last time I served Bishop Malone, he said, “Someone please help deacon, he seems to be having trouble.”

I cannot dress myself. Someone has to help. When I was young, it was my parents. Now, it is my wife!

That brings us to this parable about the wedding feast.

It is surprising to many the King invites everyone. Some people would say that this means everyone goes to heaven. In fact, Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is open to everyone. But, the truth found in this parable is that many are called, few are chosen.

The king was preparing the wedding feast for his son. He sent his servants out to bring his invited guests – but they did not come. The servants were once again sent out with the message, “I have prepared my dinner, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.”

Some invited guests ignored the servants and went about everyday business. Others seized the servants, mistreated them and then killed them.

The king was furious and sent troops to destroy the murderers. He then instructed his servants to invite anyone they found; both good and bad people to fill the hall at the wedding feast.

Many are called. Everyone is invited. The Kingdom of God is open to everyone.

It was a custom in those days for the host of the wedding—in this case, the king—to provide garments for guests. The garments would be the same, nice non-discreet robes that hid the person’s status so everyone was looked as equals.

Yet, the king sees a man without the wedding garment provided to him. Not wearing the garment was disrespecting the king and his son.  And, when he was asked why he had disrespected the King, the man had no excuse. “He was speechless.”

The King ordered his servants to bind the man and cast him into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.

The Kingdom of God is open to everyone. Many are invited. Few are chosen. Many choose not to be chosen.

The Hall is ready. The food is on the table. The invitations to the wedding feast are sent.  You all look nice … but are you dressed in the right garment?

The few who are chose will be clothed by God. If we truly desire heaven, trust God has sent us wedding garments.  Isaiah wrote my soul shall be joyful in my God; he clothes me with the garments of salvation, and covers me with the robe of righteousness.

God the Father has sent all we need in Jesus Christ.  Gal. 3:27- If you are baptized into Christ  you have been clothed in the righteousness of Christ. His righteousness becomes ours; His salvation becomes ours. Rom. 12:5 - We are one body in Christ.

Christ is the fine linen of righteousness. Col 3:12 - “Put on as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience”.  

Being clothed in Christ transforms our relationship with God by transforming us. That is in total contrast to living a life of disrespect and disobedience to God like one not dressed in the wedding garments. One not clothed in Christ.

In this parable, the wedding banquet represents heaven and darkness foreshadows hell. Those judged unworthy of the feast will be cast into the darkness where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.

An atheist asked this question - Christians believe God created all this. They believe they are made in the image of God. They say there is a heaven and hell. If Christians believe all this is true, why do they not live that way?

That atheist is asking, “Why are Christians not clothed in Christ?” The answer is they choose not to be. God has sent to everyone – the good an the bad - a heavenly garment of righteousness to put on.

If people went to heavenly banquet dressed in their everyday life and choices, some would be in trouble.

Over my lifetime, many people have helped me dress. First, it was my parents. Then, it was my wife. Many of you have straightened my collar or untwisted my stole. Over the years, a beloved community of family and friends has helped me ready myself in Christ.

Friends, I pray you help each other put on the righteousness of Christ. Help me dress for that heavenly banquet and I pray I can do the same in you.

Friends, clothed in the righteousness and love that comes from Christ, share the good news and promise of heavenly banquet. Wear God’s glory for the world to see. 

Many are invited; few chosen. Praise be Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen.

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