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Monday, December 18, 2023

Rich like Them - Homily Gaudete Sunday

Praise be Jesus Christ – forever and ever. Amen.

This Gaudete Sunday I want to share this story: A rich man wanted his child to see what is was like to be poor. He took him to visit poor rural sharecroppers to see how they lived.

As soon as they arrived, the child felt the difference. He pulled off his shoes and wriggled his toes in the dirt. He made friends with the children and they screamed with joy as they ran across the fields and swam in the bayou. He had cookies made from scratch by smiling lady who laughed a lot and told great stories.

When they left, the boy remembered everything he did. Running everywhere without care compared to only having a back yard at home. In the city, hardly any stars are seen at night; but in the country, more are seen than can be counted. He remembered people living their life with happiness and joy.  

After the family returned to their wealthy world. The father asked, “Would you rather be rich like this or poor like them?” The child answered: “I want to be rich like them.”

Jesus proclaimed 'Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.’

 Who are these poor?  In Hebrew, they were called Anawim? (ann-a-weem) the “poor ones” or the “faithful remnant” The people who remained faithful to God in difficult times. To the faithful remnant, the poor, and the broken heart, God sent Isaiah to prophesize. The poor ones yearning for God sent a man followed John, a voice crying out in the desert.   

The Anawim sang, “Rejoice in the Lord always; everyone rejoice! The Lord is near.”  This Sunday remember Gaudete means, “everyone rejoice.

Sadly, many people do not know joy. Maybe the reason is that so many in this world have forgotten the 10th commandment. “You shall not covet.” That sin can bring to the world the opposite of joy, which is suffering.

There is much suffering in the world - poverty, violence, war, disease, and oppression. Covetousness, human greed, makes these things rampant in the world. The most desired things are power, prestige, and possessions.

In the story about the rich father and his son, the father considers the poor as those with less things than him. The world is the same. It considers the poor those without the things the world says they must have. For many suffering is not in being poor, it comes from the sinfulness of coveting things.

This sin can numb a heart and deaden the spirit so one cannot know joy.

The things most covet, desire, and lust after becomes the real passion of a soul. They become the world’s false gods that many worship. These false gods bring false joy.

Most of the time, it is not even a conscious choice. Between here and home, each will be told the worldly things we need many more times than we will be told how much we need each other or how much we need God. This wounds the human heart.

The enemy has always encouraged humanity to put self as the center of the world.  

How often do we hear, “What about my feelings?”

Many pout, “What about my opinions.” And demand, “it must be done my way.”

The world tells us, these things are important. In these things, you will find joy.

But, all of this can bring a person to a place far from God. They oppose true happiness and Godly joy and allow a hardened cocoon of sinfulness to develop around the heart.

From that harden cocoon, many will say, I know Jesus. In that place, many will say they find joy.

After the father and son returned to their wealthy world. The father asked his son – would you rather be rich like this or poor like them? The child answers, “I want to be rich like them.”

God is found outside the hardened cocoon of self. To know Jesus and to find true joy requires a move to a place beyond the self-centeredness of this world. Then you will be able to feel the difference. Like the boy, pull off your shoes and wiggle your toes in the dirt. Test everything; retain what is good. Refrain from every kind of evil.  

You cannot truly know joy if you covet the passions dictated by the world. To know joy, we must recognize a pure Godly joy –trust in it, believe in it, and pray unceasingly. Rejoice heartily in the LORD, in God is the joy of my soul….

Joy is not in the love of the false gods of power, prestige, and passions. Love only the one true God. In God’s love is where the human heart can find true and profound joy. The joy that comes from the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire, which strengthens us - The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me…, my spirit rejoices….

The poor and faithful remnant are rich in the joy found in God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “I want to be rich like them.”  

Be good, be holy and in this advent season everyone proclaim the good news -   “Rejoice in the Lord always; everyone rejoice! The Lord is near.” 

Praise be Jesus Christ forever and ever. Amen

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