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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

A Bold Faith Comes From A Bold Hope - Homily 1st Tuesday February - Campus Ministry Mass 

There was once a television show called “Faith and Hope”. Although the show was a silly comedy about the lives of two sisters, it could contained tidbits of wisdom. 

These were thoughts that came from the theme song …“Sisters can’t imagine life without the other.., Sister there is no better way to you.” It was a song about sisters; but the sisters were Faith and Hope. Hope and faith are also 2 sister virtues.

Can you imagine faith without hope or hope without faith? True believers know there is no better way to faith than hope in Jesus. There is no better way to have hope than to have faith in Jesus Christ.

It takes a bold faith to boldly embrace hope. 

This year, 2025, Pope Francis has declared a Holy Year of Hope. He calls us to be "Pilgrims of Hope." In this year of renewal hope and faith intertwine like the complementary nature of the two virtues. 

A complimentary nature that resonates deeply in the heart of believers. St. Paul declares in Romans - “We are justified through faith… and we boast in our hope…”

That is the nature of faith and hope echoed in the hearts of many. But, for some, like students in the midst of the challenges of campus life, might lose sight of hope and ponder their faith. As a part of Catholic Campus ministry, all of us are called to be witnesses to others as an example of bold faith and hope in Jesus.

The Gospel tells us to be bold in our hope and faith and witness to the crowds around us. Jarius, a respected community leader, with faith in Jesus healing and the hope for the healing of his daughter, humbled himself before Jesus. Similarly, a woman who had suffered for years reached out in faith to touch Jesus' garment, hoping to be healed by just touching the hem of his cloak.

Their stories exemplified the bold hope and unwavering faith of two people in the crowd. All who were around them witnessed that bold hope and even bolder faith. To that hope and faith, Jesus responded. 

He said to Jarius and all those who would hear, do not fear only believe. Then He reached out to Jarius' daughter, who was at the point of death, takes her by the hand, and says get up little girl. When Jesus felt the woman's touch he honored her hope and faith. Daughter your faith has made you well.

In this modern world, on this college campus, we are surrounded by great crowds that witness all we do. As a witness for Christ, we are a witness of hope and faith. Set aside all that weighs us down and prevents us from reaching out to Jesus. For when we possess such faith, Jesus responds.

Hope and faith begins with Baptism. Our hope and faith in Jesus Christ is being constantly renewed by the Holy Spirit. It grows through our openness to God’s grace in our lives.

Hope and faith is nurtured through campus ministries. They grow when one attends Mass, goes to confession, prays daily, studies the Bible, and is part of a community of believers. Student can discover that having a hope in the challenges of campus life and college studies deepens and grows a bolder faith.

Bold faith comes from the bold hope. It is hard to imagine one without the other. Dear Jesus, there is no better way to you.


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