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Friday, September 20, 2013

Who is this Pope?

I received a text message.  It was a question that asked, “Who is this Pope? Is he Peter the Roman?”  If you do not know, this is a reference to the St. Malachy prophesy.  These prophesy are of the last pope supposedly attributed to St. Malachy from the 12th century.

My answer was this: He is man who recognizes he is a man with faults and weaknesses like every man.

Peter the Roman is identified as a good Christian leader.  Many Popes could be identified as Peter the Roman. The Pope sits in the Petrine Chair, as the Bishop of Rome.  Peter the Romans is said to guide the church through many tribulations before the coming of final judgment.  Throughout history, the Popes have guided the Church through tribulation, scandals, war, and attacks by those against it.  The origin of the Pope is Christ’s words, “You are Kepha, and on this very kepha, I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”  Kepha is rock, which translates to Greek as Peter. This was a promise of a continued line of Peter of Rome. Many Popes (Peters) would lead the church against many different tribulations - heresy, wars, plagues, schisms, injustice, and internal controversy.

I called and asked this person what his concerns were.  It was stated all that was being heard and attributed to what the Pope said.  Tribulations made by not understanding what Pope Francis says in relationship to Church teachings.  An Interpretation of Pope Francis words written without even an exploration the catechism by writers who do not know the Church.  Many journalists may be trying to spread agendas.  These are not the same as the Catholic Church’s agenda but may legitimize secular thought by linking them to the Pope’s words.

All of this comes from Pope Francis humility.  When asked in an interview, “Who is the man Jorge Bergoglio.”  The Pope thought and said, “I am a sinner.”  This is the defining statement that supports all that he has said so far.  We are not to judge others, only offer the love of Christ, who is the ultimate judge of what is in a person’s heart.  We are all sinners, how can someone imperfect judge another imperfect soul.

Christ is the perfect man, Christ is the one without sin, and Christ will be the judge of all. As sinners, we are to respect with dignity each and every person.  We are to tolerate others, tolerate them because we are all sinners and be examples of Christ love.  Show them the path of Christ, show them that they are to “Love the Lord God with all their hearts and all their souls and all their minds, and love their neighbors as themselves.” We can only do this completely, if we recognize that we are all sinners.

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