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Friday, December 5, 2014

Reflection Advent Candles: From Darkness to Light

(Allegory of Cave taken from sermon - Pastor Don Getty)
You need light. Without light there is nothing but darkness. With Jesus as your light, you will never be in darkness.
Let me tell a story that shows how true this is:
A long time ago, there was a cave that lived under the ground, where most caves live and like most caves had spent its entire lifetime in darkness. One day the cave heard a voice coming from the opening and the voice said, come up into the light, and the cave said, I don't know what you mean. What is light? There isn't anything but darkness. 
Finally, the cave being overly curious went towards the opening and the voice. The cave was surprised to see light everywhere because it did not know anything at all about light. Looking up at the sun, Cave was astounded and said, come with me to see the darkness. The sun answered, what is darkness?  The cave said, come and see, I will show you. So the sun entered the cave and said, now show me your darkness; but there was none. 
Light is stronger than darkness. In fact, darkness is just the absence of light. (Turn out the lights & Light Advent Candles)
“I have come as light to the world so that those who believe in Me may not remain in darkness.” (Jn 12:46)
How many people do you know that is living in the darkness of that cave? Sadly, many like living in the dark. They feel safe. It’s all they know. It’s where they grew up.
They don’t know about the light. They’re may be too afraid or too proud to believe there is a better place; a place in the light of Christ’s love that is warmer, healthier, brighter and more wonderful.
Some have escaped the darkness. They dance in the light with hope, peace, joy and love. (Turn lights back on)
What about those still back in the darkness of the cave? Maybe they would like to know what it like to be in the light. Perhaps they would like to quit being scared and proud. 
They will know what it’s like in the light of Christ if those of us who have escaped the cave to bring the light of Christ to them.
With our lives and our works we need to bring a candle into the darkness and tell them:  "It's okay to leave the darkness of the cave. The Light of Christ is so good.”  (Light the Christ Candle)

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