Preach with Authority
A fellow Deacon (and friend) tells the story of a
compliment he received; at least, he thinks it was a compliment.
A parishioner came to him after he preached and tells
the Deacon, “We really like our new young priest’s homilies. They are so poetic
and flowing. He seems to really put a lot of work into them. And Deacon, we
really like your homilies, too. They’re just different. You get down in the
dirt with us.”
This is the truth behind every deacon’s ministry. A
deacon teaches with authority; the authority of a man who has got down and
dirty in everyday life. My friend was a marine. He is married. He is a father. He has worked a regular job; got his hands dirty and splinters
in his fingers. He has worried about bills, feeding his family, and the health
of those he loves. People have looked at him for most of his life as just
another guy, not necessarily a man of God. This is the authority from which he
Jesus teaches with authority. It is an authority
far different than anything you and I may have. He teaches with the confidence of
one who knows the truth. He has authority and knowledge to speak of God. Because
he has authority, he can influence and command the thoughts of those
who listen.
And who were the first to recognize his authority?
Moses said the ones who listened would recognize him. The ones who listened
were those who needed healing, those who were ill, and also those who feared
him. They recognized his authority.
Paul explains the reason the rest of us have
problems listening. We focus on something else besides God. We focus on the things of this world. Married
people focus on our spouses, our families, and then on the things of this world
we need for them. All these are distractions that keep us from God. So, we are
asked to avoid these distractions. This is an extremely hard place to be. It is
the world of priests and those called to the life of religious brothers and
Then there are deacons. We constantly fight these
distractions everyday. Through our ordination we have promised God, we will
listen. We will not be able to avoid the distractions of the world. We are to live
a life of prayer; but we still live in the world as married men, with jobs, everyday
responsibilities, and everyday troubles. We get down in the dirt of everyday
That is the authority by which the deacon comes. He
preaches with the authority of someone who has been there. He preaches with the
authority of someone who has fought through all the confusion of the world. But
we also preach with the authority of one has dedicated their life to listen to
We still have our families. We still live our lives
in the world. We’re the person next to you in the pew or at the office. We’re
the guys you call by childhood nicknames. We’re the guys whose children are
friends with your children. Lives lived like everybody else. We preach from the
authority of these lives.
Deacons just stopped to listen.
Each and every one reading this can do the same.
All Christians can come forward and preach with the authority of one who knows
the truth. Our authority is from someone who has lived in God’s love witnessing
Christ in our everyday lives. This is what we preach with the authority in our
words, our witness, and our lives in God’s love. Go out and preach His love
with authority.
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