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Thursday, December 10, 2015

Advent Retreat - Jesus' Gentle "I Am" Acts of Mercy - Retreat Night 2 - Adoration & Reconciliation

Jesus’ Gentle "I Am" Acts of Mercy
“Stop passing judgment before the time of the Lord’s return. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and manifest the intentions of hearts. At that time, everyone will receive his praise from God.” 1 Corinthians 4:5

What are the intentions of our hearts - benevolence, forgiveness, and loving-kindness?
Our theme: “I Am – Mercy.” Is it by mercy, that we pass judgment? What if we lived at the same time that Jesus walked the earth and heard him say these things would we judge him like others of the time?
Before Abraham was, I am
I am the bread of life
I am the light of the world
I am the door
I am the true vine
I am the good shepherd
I am the way, the truth, and the life
I am the resurrection and the life
Would we have condemned him with our judgment or see the intentions of his heart?
Because, if we look at these “I AM” statements, we will see they reveal his gentle mercy. They explain his life, his purpose, and his glory. See his gentle mercy in our lives. Put your name in each of these “I Am” as if Jesus was speaking directly to you:
Before “Bill” was, I am;
I am the bread of life for “Daniel”;
I am the light of the world for “Dennis”;
I am the door for “Jennifer”;
I am the good shepherd of ’Debbie”;
I am the way the truth and the life for “Skip”;
I am the resurrection and the life for “Insert your name here”
In this world more people need to put their name there. It would make this world a different place. We would live in a world with more benevolence, forgiveness, and loving-kindness. The world would be a place of mercy.
Those statements say one thing, in Jesus the “I Am” are his  mercy. All those “I Am(s)” are acts of gentle  mercy for you. All those “I Am(s)” are acts of mercy for the world.
Let the “I Am” of Jesus touch our life, the way we believe, and the way we act with others. Let the “I Am” of Jesus be part of our personal-inner self, our family life, and our public life at work or in the community.
The LORD asks us to try to live the “I Am” gentle acts of mercy life that Jesus lived. Stop passing judgment on others. Open up to his mercy, let the light of Jesus live in us and rid our heart of the darkness and misery of sin.
That is what Advent is about. Make ready for the coming of the extraordinary, Christ and his Mercy. At that time, everyone will receive praise from God.
Where there is God, there is Mercy.

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