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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sunday Reflection - Holy Family - An Influenced Mixture

During the week, I prayed over a paragraph from the Catechism.  The paragraph, “The whole life of Jesus Christ showed how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.”
God can give you insights before you know they are insights. They came with this weeks readings.
“The whole life of Jesus Christ….” His life included every breath he took. Life experienced with every inhale and exhale like traveling to the temple, studying scripture, the traditions of the feast and festivals, and even living in the extended family community in Nazareth. 
A whole life that included every good time and ever bad time, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
A life lived in the Holy Family. 
Family was important. Jesus knew the commandments and the writing of Sirach on family honor. Honor your parents and parents point your children to God. These were part of Jesus' life that showed how God anointed Jesus. 
An anointed life in which Jesus lived the virtues that Paul writes about. The virtues of God we are to "put on." Jesus showed us how to live these and put on the love of Christ.
These were a part of the whole life of Jesus. What about ours?
There are so many different faces in the world. Faces show family. Some of our faces have the features of our mother or father. Some features will bring memories of a grandparent, the same eye color, the same hair color, or maybe it’s the way of a smile. The way we act, live our lives, and even for some of us the way we make our living, comes to us through our family. Our whole life, who we are, and what we look like is an influenced mixture of all those who came before us.
We are constantly challenged by our world on our relationship and belief in God. Our faith should find strength in being challenged. Our faith is strongest when supported by a Holy Family like the family made up in that influenced mixture that came before us. Yet looking around, it is easy to see that less of us going to our Father’s house.
The reasons given are that mass is inconvenient, hard to schedule, or not important to my spirituality. But, Jesus went.
In the Sang-pour-sang and Bayou Cypre Apalachee communities in the hills west of the Cane River, life was hard. It was a life that included intimidation, harassment, and even death. Families had their homes burned. People were hunted down with dogs until they were killed, left the area, or disappeared into the woods. Others denied their race and if lucky blended into the white community.  
In the early 20th century, missionary Dominican Priests came to the remnants of these people. They found a people often uneducated. There were no schools. Children were not allowed school because of who they were. 
But the priest found one other thing, a people of strong faith. The people who could not read or write still had a community school that taught their faith and the catechism. All this knowledge of faith had been passed down by word of mouth over the generations.
Poor, persecuted, and isolated, these people were always in their Father’s house. They lived as a Holy Family doing the Father’s work, they “put on” Godly virtues and the love of Christ. 
They lived this: “Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.”
We too need to live in these as we strive to live the life of Christ. “The whole life of Jesus Christ….” and it includes every breath we take; what we inhale and what we exhale. We are children of God and part of a Holy Family. We are the influenced mixture of our family that came before us. As a Holy Family we should always point the members of our family to God and to our Father’s House.
“The whole life of Jesus Christ showed how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power.”

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