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Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lost! A Reflection 24th Sunday OT-C

Many people watched the TV show “Lost.” According to one of the show’s creators, it was about “people who are lost in their lives. Then, they get on an airplane, crash on an island, and become physically lost.” (Lost)
Sounds like Exodus. The Israelites' lives were lost. They left Egypt, crashed into God, and then got lost in the desert. Moses left the people for just a little while and they crashed into God. They got lost. They turned from the way pointed out to them; they made a molten calf and worshiped it.
God tells Moses “I have seen this people, how stiff-necked they are.” God said the people were stiff necked, stubborn, and obstinate. In the narrative of Exodus, God was upset with the people; He was broken-hearted. Did they get what they deserved? No, they got what God gives: Forgiveness. 
You would think they learned a lesson. Not so. They continued to be this way; refusing to change. They continued to get lost, a stiff-necked people sinning against God. God forgave them again and again and again.
I think Jesus parables are about stiff-neck people. Look at these parables in a different way; see the lost from a different perspective. They tell of those who turned aside from the path shown to them.
We know the parable of the lost sheep. But, the shepherd is lost, stubborn, and foolish to leave 99 sheep unprotected to go after one stray. The sheep becomes the false god the shepherd chases. The greater good of 99 are left behind.  
We know the parable of the lost coin. Yet, tear apart your house and forget others for a single coin, you’re lost, stubborn, and on the wrong path. The coin becomes the false god the woman worships forgetting all else.
Both, shepherd and woman turned aside from the way pointed out to them. Their molten calf is worldly things like the sheep and coin. Jesus words hint that something has become lost, yet God the Father, welcomes and forgives. The grace of our Lord is abundant. They return to the right path; there is a great party.
The Israelites, shepherd, and woman were lost worshiping things of this world, things of men. We have the same in our houses, cars, clothes, and our things. We can be a stiff-necked people, worshipping man-made things in this world  that turn us from the path and purpose God has revealed.
The prodigal son worshiped the things of this world.  The son demanded his inheritance, left home, and the love of his father. He chose the things of the world, which he saw as “freedom.”  But “freedom” is not what he found. He found lost.
Defeated, the son returns to his father’s house. The father runs to meet his son. He embraces him and prepares a feast of welcome. Did the son get what he deserved? No. He got what his father gave: Forgiveness. 
We can become lost in our lives; physically lost in the sin of the everyday world. Lost in our stiff-necked stubbornness and sin, do we get what we deserve? No, we receive what God our Father gives us: forgiveness.  We are reconciled to Him in Christ.
St. Paul writes, “Christ Jesus came to save sinners.  Of these I am the foremost…. so that in me …, Christ Jesus might display all his patience for those who would come to believe in him for everlasting life.”  God saves us and calls us to him despite what we have done according to His own purpose and grace bestowed on us in Christ Jesus. (2 Tim 1:9)
Heavenly Father may all who are lost chasing things of this world return to you, know your abundant grace and forgiveness, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Y’all be good, y’all be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love.

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