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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Walk with a Purpose - Reflection 1st Sunday of Lent

I heard a young man (11 yo) speak these words about his father. "One of the things my father has taught me is to walk in life with a purpose."

That's a great phrase. Great words to take to heart this Lenten season. 

"One of the things my father has taught me is to walk in life with a purpose."

It is the walk that defines us, gives us our identity and energy. It is the walk that forms us in the image and likeness of the god we worship. It is our faith; what we truly believe and live.

How many can say our walk in life with a purpose is the one given to us by our Heavenly Father?

Truthfully, probably only one person has, that's Jesus.

Even in the face of temptation Jesus never forgot his purpose. But people say, Jesus' purpose was to resist the devil and to walk with the Heavenly Father.

That is our purpose as well. It is why we were created.

The LORD God formed man out of clay and blew into his nostrils the breath of life.  In that breath we were given our purpose....

Temptation came to the man and woman in the form of a serpent. Both ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; and the eyes of both of them were opened.

We know good from evil. We know right yet still sin. We know justice and still allow injustice. We recognize dignity and live with shaming of other persons.

The reason for these things is that we are tempted. The devil tempted Jesus with possessions, pride, and honor. Those  are same things that tempt us. The devil comes to each of us, maybe not in the same form that a he came to Jesus. 

The devil, as they say is in the details, because we all want to be something special, extraordinary, not just some collection of dust or clay, not just an accidental, anonymous person.

Deep down, whether we admit it or not, we each nurse the secret of being special. That is when the devil can step into our lives.

We are tempted: I have to have this car, this house, these clothes, all my friends do.

We begin to believe: I have be in this circle of people, in these organizations, and at this Church. My children have to be the great athletes, the great students, and the perfect children.

Our world is built on: What do people think of me? People have to see me this way. Other people's opinion of me. I have to be the leader.

These are temptations that can promote sin, injustice, and disrespect for the dignity of others. They often bring to those tempted more heartaches than happiness.

No matter how much we work to make ourselves special and extraordinary, there will still be anonymity and ordinariness. No matter how many possessions, how much pride and honor we have sin brings emptiness.

The temptations of possessions, pride and honor become the things you worship; come between you and God. One or all of them become the walk of purpose in your life.

Someone asked, "Deacon, if God knows all our needs, all we do, and forgives us, why do we have to pray?"

Prayer keeps us focused on our walk with God. Have you ever heard the saying "out of sight, out of mind?" Without prayer we lose sight of God and he is no longer part of our thoughts and heart. We get lost and the devil steps in with temptation and sin.

Jesus came so that we would not forget and lose sight of God. God became man to walk on this earth with a specific purpose. Jesus' walk of purpose in life was to bring to us forgiveness, acquittal for our sins, and redemption, and abundance of grace, and justification; so, that through the obedience of one many will be made righteous.

Jesus brings focus to our walk in this life, which is union with God; a purpose we tend to throw away to temptation and sin. Yet in Christ Jesus, we find it again. Take a purposeful walk in life with the one who formed us from clay and gave to each of us the breath of life.

"One of the things my father has taught me is to walk in life with a purpose." It is a walk with a truly good and holy purpose.

Do you walk in life with a purpose?

Y'all be good, y’all be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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