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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Maybe Jesus Will Say Peter - Reflection 21st Sunday OTA

(Inspired by Carmelite Lectio Divina)
My brothers and sisters, Christian life is striving to be Holy in with all our shortcomings, insecurities, disobedience, and personal faults. God is found in all things, even in painful, tragic, and sinful things. 
God is in each of us. Each of us is the face of Christ. Each is the Church.
Jesus asked the disciples “Who do the people say that I am?” The disciples answered some say John the Baptist, Elijah, or even Jeremiah.
Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”
Christ will ask us the question every day. Our answer is Christ, the Son of the living God?  Our answer must be visible to all so strive to be holy.
Then, if we turned that question around and asked Jesus “Who am I Lord? Who do I remind you of Lord?” Maybe, He would say Peter!
Peter was like us, and ordinary person in the world. He had a family and went to work every day. He worked to take care of those around him, pay his bills, and make life easier for his family.
The people in his community knew him as Simon, son of Jonah.  But, then Simon, son of Jonah met Jesus.
Jesus would call him Cephas or rock and that would become Peter.
 In reality, ordinary everyday Simon Peter was everything but rock. But Jesus, inscrutable his judgments and unsearchable his ways, chose Peter to build his church.
Peter was a good person, but, he had his faults. Yes, he tried to be courageous, but would often collapse in fear and flee.
When Jesus walked on the sea, Peter asks: “Jesus, allow me also to walk on the sea”. Jesus says: “Come, Peter!” Peter left the boat and walked on the sea. He realized the  wind and waves so he panicked and lost trust. He began to sink crying out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus reached out and saved him.
At the Last Supper, Peter tells Jesus: “I will never deny you, Lord!” But a few hours later, after Jesus was arrested, a servant girl recognizes Peter. Peter denied him, swearing that he had nothing to do with Jesus.
When they came to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Olives, Peter takes out the sword but then runs away leaving Jesus alone.
Peter was far from being rock.
Peter was weak and human, so similar to us, yet he becomes rock by knowing Jesus.  From him and through him and for him are all things.
God is found in all things, even in the painful, tragic, and sinful things. Jesus could say: “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church”.
When Jesus gave us the Eucharist, He prayed for Peter: “I have prayed that your faith will not fail …, strengthen you brothers.”
After the Resurrection, Jesus asks: “Peter, do you love me?” Peter responds two times: “Lord, you know that I love you!”
Jesus repeats the question a third time, Peter answers: “Lord, you know all things! You know that I love you very much!” And Jesus entrusted to him the care of his sheep: “Peter, feed my lambs!”
Peter became rock with Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit. The strength and steadiness of rock grows in Peter revealed on the day of Pentecost.  
The apostles were behind locked doors for fear of the Jews. Yet, in the coming of the Holy Spirit, Peter finds rock and courage. He throws open the door and announces to the people the Good News of Jesus.
Peter is a rock among believers, a rock standing firm.  
He was arrested and imprisoned because of the Good News. Even from prison, he remained steadfast continuing to teach the way of Jesus. At his trial, he was forbidden to announce the Good News; but, Peter does not obey.
He said: “We have to obey God more than men!”
He was arrested again and tortured. He said: “Thank you. But we shall continue!” Peter’s life was ended because he announced the Good News.
Peter was weak, human, and like you and me. He was one Jesus loved and trusted. He was the rock on which Jesus built his Church. Rock refined by the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God!
“Who do you say that I am?” We are asked that question every day. Our answer must be visible to all, so strive to be Holy.
Even in our pain, tragedy, and the sinfulness of our faults and disobedience, if we love Jesus and open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, we can be rock like Peter.
In us and on us, He will continue to build His Church.

Yall be good, yall be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live and love. Amen.

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