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Saturday, May 5, 2018

Big Bang - Homily 6th Sunday of Easter

I was sitting in my recliner, contemplating scripture when a commercial came on for the “The Big Bang” television show. It got me thinking.
Scientists say that the universe was created by the big bang. It was originally the theory of a Belgian astronomer, physicist, and Catholic priest, Monsignor Fr. Georges Lemaître.
His primeval atom hypothesis examined the origin of the universe. He proposed that the universe is in an ever expanding state that started with a specific event.
Sarcastically, his critics called his hypothesis “the Big Bang Theory.” The description of his idea as the Big Bang Theory stuck.
He had plenty of critics. Scientific critics said his theory was too religious. Religious critics said it was too scientific and contrary to God.
Lemaitre had insight that his critics failed to acknowledge. Faith and reason are complementary. Faith and reason are the ways God interacts with the world. Pope Benedict XVI said, “Not to act reasonable is contrary to the nature of God.”
God created everything out of nothingness. The big bang actually seems a reasonable description of the impact of God’s word on total nothingness. Sing to the LORD a new song, he has done wondrous deeds.
By faith, we know the divine mystery that is God spoke. God’s word begot Christ and God’s word begot love. Creation began. God’s act of creation and God’s act of love set everything in motion. The universe was created.
By faith we know these first words of the Bible, “In the beginning, God created.” Reason calls the event of creation the big bang.
As the universe is ever expanding, so is God’s love. God’s love is infinite, but God’s love ever expands and is revealed through creation.
This is the way the love of God was revealed to us, God sent his only Son into the world. Jesus is God’s love. The big bang was manifest on earth by his sacrifice on the cross, the ultimate act of love for our salvation. It changed the world.
Jesus commands us to be part of the ever increasing expansion of God’s love. This is my commandment love one another as I love you.
Monsignor Lemaître said the Holy Spirit knew perfectly the Universe. God in all his omnipotence knew what the big bang started. It started love. It is a love that has no partiality. It is not restricted to a nation, a people, a race, or a group.
God’s love is infinite and knows no partiality. But it is up to us to be the continuing expansion of the realization of God’s love in the world. Bearing witness by calling each other friends; being fruitful; and doing all we do in the name of Jesus Christ.
It is total self-sacrificing love. This is the love Christ asks of us.
God’s love is the big bang that starts our life of expanding and encompassing love for the rest of eternity. Everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God.
Everything starts with our own personal big bang. The truth we must realize to have that happen is not that we have loved God, but that he loved us.
Realizing God loves us changes everything. It changes us to live the command he gave us: Love one another. Pope Francis wrote - We are all called to live our lives with love; bearing witness in everything we do; wherever we find ourselves.
Jesus said “remain in my love.” Giving praise and thanksgiving to God anchors us to Christ’s love. The Eucharist anchors us to Christ’s love. Prayer anchors us to Christ’s love. “Whatever you ask the Father in my name he may give you.”
I read Albert Einstein said Fr. Lemaitre’s Big Bang “…is the most beautiful and satisfactory explanation of creation….” Maybe, Einstein understood faith and reason.
Faith and reason are complimentary. “Not to act reasonable is contrary to the nature of God.” God knows perfectly his work.
Friends, truth is the beginning of everything and all truth is God's truth. Truth is found in God’s love.
Live your life loving one another because love is of God. Live in the truth of God’s love.
Be good, be holy and make a big bang in the world by preaching the gospel in the way you live and love. Amen.

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