My first charismatic worship experience was when my
father left the Baptist church and attended a Pentecostal Church. He asked me
to go with him.
I knew Mass and the Baptist service; both, quiet reverent
services. Mass had standing and kneeling. The Baptist had the Amen or
occasional Hallelujah.
But, I had heard things. I
didn’t know what to expect. When I got there, people were shouting, speaking in
tongues, dancing, waving their arms, and falling to the floor. I was about 13
and it scared
Think about the apostles. Maybe they were scared as they
waited for the one the Father would send. They didn’t know what to expect.
Jesus promised the Paraclete would come, so, they waited. The time they waited
between the ascension and Pentecost is known as the in-between time.
We all have in-between times in our lives; time
in-between the big events. Times we are scared or don't know what to expect.
What do we do with them? Let me suggest this, pray.
We as believers pray…., Come
Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of
your love. Then, we wait.
I have an in-between time on the altar each week. Before
I proclaim the gospel, I ask for a blessing. “Bless me, Father.”
Then with the Book of the Gospel I proceed to the ambo to proclaim the Gospel
of the Lord. In that in-between time, I pray.
I pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to come make my words loud
and strong so that all may hear. I pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit so
that the Gospel will fill all those who hear it with the Holy Spirit so they
may go forth and live a life that proclaims the Gospel of the Lord.
If I give the homily, I pray that the Lord fills my
meager words with the power of the Holy Spirit to touch hearts and souls for
the Lord. In that in-between time, I pray and give myself over to the Holy
That’s what the apostles did. They came together in the
upper room and prayed. They
prepared to proclaim the Gospel. They prepared for the coming of the Holy
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all
in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a
strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house…
I once asked a friend who attended a Charismatic Holiness
Church and who experienced the Holy Spirit by falling on the floor in ecstasy
and speaking in tongues if he knew it was going to happen.
Maybe, I asked because I wanted the experience. Maybe, I
He said the Spirit comes with the sound of a driving
wind, when you hear that, make yourself ready.
I have never heard this wind….
But what he said was so true.
We cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit unless we make ourselves ready. God does not
impose himself on anyone. We must make ourselves ready by being open to the
coming of God’s love.
To receive the gifts of Christ, to receive the Holy
Spirit, to open up to the charisms or charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit, we
have to open up to the coming of God’s love.
All the things the apostles experienced at the coming of
the Holy Spirit is theophany; the visible manifestation of God to man. The
theophany of the Holy Spirit robed in the mystery, majesty, and mighty power
that is God yet made visible so those present could experience it.
What does that in-between time have to do with this?
People want to know the presence of the Holy Spirit. They want to be restored
to paradise that is the Kingdom of God. Yet, they are afraid to open their
hearts to the Holy Spirit.
But, they are in the in-between waiting for something to
happen: A driving wind, tongues of fire, and speaking in tongues.
I have never heard this wind….
Let me suggest this - Pray. Prayers don’t have to be
poetry or eloquent words. Just pray with heart that is true. Pray the prayers
learned as a child. Pray with an earnest heart.
Pray, for the Gospel tells us: No
one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit …,
Jesus told us that “when
the Advocate comes, the Spirit of truth that proceeds from the Father, will
testify to me. And you also testify….
one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit…. If we give ourselves over to the Holy
Spirit, we will testify Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
The Holy Spirit is everywhere in history. It breaks
through in critical moments, moments when the universe needs, moments when
humanity needs, and moments when you and I need. The Holy Spirit
never ceases to come into the world.
Give yourself completely to the Holy Spirit. Live by the
Spirit. Follow the Spirit. Be open for the coming of the Holy Spirit, because,
the mystery, majesty, and mighty power of God is proclaiming Jesus as Lord and
Savior. It is a true anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Many are living in the in-between times, waiting for the
sound of a driving wind, tongues of fire, or the ecstasy the Holy Spirit
brings. They
wait for an anointing of the Holy Spirit.
I have never heard that wind …, but, I know the presence of the Holy
I know the presence of the Holy Spirit that never ceases
coming into the world and our lives. The theophany, the visible manifestation
of God to the world is this: No
one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit…,
Come Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faithful and
kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be
created. And you shall renew the face of the earth.
Be good, be holy, pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit
to proclaim that Jesus
is my Lord and savior; by the
way you live and love. Amen.
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