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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Jesus is Watching - Homily 32 Sunday OTB

Audio - Jesus is Watching
Happy Veterans Day, we remember those both young and old who have served our country. The one thing about veterans is their faith. They have faith in their country, the military, and their fellow veterans.
We should all, especially as Christians have such a strong faith. Here are some features of faith. Faith is a good; Faith is a gift; Faith is a choice; and Faith is a challenge.
Faith is a challenge because people find it hard to trust and believe.

In today’s readings are two examples of such faith; two widows who gave from all they had to possibly face poverty, hunger, famine, and death. But despite that adversity, they trusted God.
Today, we struggle with faith, afraid to trust in God’s providence and mercy.  
But Elijah reminds us with these words - Do not be afraid. Give all in faith and by faith it will increase. The jar of flour shall not go empty. The jug of oil shall not run dry.
These words are not about money or worldly goods. They prophesy the prosperity of faith. Faith will build faith.
Everyone has a story of faith; let me share a part of my story of faith.
In the spring of1981, I received a call my Dad was sick and dying. He was not expected to leave the hospital alive. I returned home and found a job to help my family. I promised my dad, if he would get better, I would go back to school. I did the next fall.
As a football player, I weighed 290 lbs. I was no longer a football player, but trying to go to school, pay for it, and survive. It was taking a toll. By the end of the spring semester I weighed 190 lbs. I had lost 100 lbs. in two semesters.
I was starving. I worked part time at Kmart and most of my meals were left over sandwiches from the deli. At closing, you could buy a ham sandwich for 10 cents. But, there were not always sandwiches left or 10 cents in my pocket.
I never lost my faith; but, it was challenged. I prayed a lot. I knew God was calling me. I searched for him.  I kept trying to leave Monroe, but God had a reason for me to stay.
There is a treasure in not having 10 cents. People like you for you. They help you when they can. Since, I had to walked most places, I asked the new girl at work for a ride; and, the rest was God’s plan.
My friends, Jesus is watching.
Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and observed the crowd. He saw those making a show of it and He saw those giving from what little they had.
In the Bible, widows are the poorest of the poor. The two widows in today’s reading gave from all they had to God. Just like Jesus. Compare their sacrifices and struggles to ours.
We live in an affluent country. For some the struggles may be about money or food; but, for most its not. Some may have life and death struggles, but, for most its not.
The thing most struggle with is placing our lives in the hands of God. We are afraid to sacrifice the control we think we have in our lives and surrender it by faith to God.
Don’t be afraid. Even when faith is a challenge, it is still a choice and a gift.
The widows were afraid. They chose to give to God from all they had.
Jesus may not have been afraid, but listen to his words in the Garden of Gethsemane. “My soul is sorrowful even to death…. Father, if possible; let this cup pass from me.” And still, Jesus made the choice of the cross.
Choices of faith bring more; by faith you will increase.
Sustenance came from the widow’s act of faith in Elijah’s story. Honor came from the faith displayed in the widow’s few coins in the gospel.
Our salvation came from Jesus’ faith in us  as he hung on the cross. Give all in faith and by faith and it will increase.
You may have guessed, the girl who gave me a ride was my wife Janet. She made a choice that day by her faith in me. Last week was the 34th anniversary of that first date. Her faith was that God meant for us to be together and she was going to make it happen.
She took the flour that was me, and mixed it with the oil of her faith. She brought me to the Bread of Life. Her faith opened my heart to God.
Remember, Faith is a good; Faith is a gift; Faith is a choice; and Faith is a challenge.
In that challenge, everyone has a story of faith and Jesus is watching it.

Be good, be holy, and by faith preach the gospel and love one another from all that you have. Amen

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