I’m not a shopper, but my wife told me of the lines
wrapped around the store on Thanksgiving. People were people looking for
bargains. If you are out looking for bargains remember the poor. Remember the
needy. Remember truth.
Truth is found in love.
Jesus came into the world to
testify to the truth.
Scripture describes love testifying to us in four ways: Eros,
Philia, Storge, and Agape.
Everyone who belongs to the truth listens
to my voice, to
which love do you listen?
Eros is romantic/erotic love. It’s important in people’s
lives. It can be fulfilling and wonderful or emptying and appalling. It is not
where truth is found.
Storge is love of family, the bond between parents,
children, brothers, and sisters. Everyone wants this love but not everyone has
Philia is the love Christians practice toward each other.
It is love called friendship, a powerful emotional bond. True friends will not hold
back truth; but, it is not the truth we seek.
All these types of love are worldly standards of love.
However, Eros, Storge, and Philia can waiver, fade, or fail. It is love built
upon human imperfection and fault.
Truth does not falter.
Truth is God’s love. Agape is God's immeasurable, incomparable,
and divine love. It is unconditional, sacrificial, perfect, pure, and
selfless. Only God’s love allows truth in all other love.
It is this love Jesus Christ revealed by the way he lived and
died. He is
coming amid the clouds. Every eye will see him even those who pierced him. It
is God, who is love, giving away God in every moment. Even to those who deny him, God’s love comes with every breath we take.
Each breath is God choosing us again and again and again.
To know and accept God’s love, all we have to do is breathe.
For this reason, His kingship
shall not be destroyed. The truth of his kingship is in each of us created
in God’s image.
Each of us is a unique manifestation of God’s love.
Every person is different because God’s love is infinite.
By that infinite love, God is living in each and every one of us and through
each and every one of us.
Yes. Amen. - God’s love is infinite. It is unconditional, sacrificial,
and selfless. God’s love is freedom. It is freedom to choose love. It is
freedom to choose who we are. It is freedom to believe or deny God. It is
freedom of good or evil. It is the freedom of yes or no.
It was in freedom Pilate asked the question, "Are
you the King of the Jews?"
Jesus answered. "Do you
say this on your own or have others told you about me?"
Freedom to choose love is the freedom to know truth not just
what others say is truth. Truth is not limited by our limits. Truth is ultimate
faith in God’s selfless infinite agape love.
Love giving love in every moment. God who is love giving
away God. God’s love given freely in every breath we take.
God’s love is in us to remember the poor and the needy.
Remember truth. This is why Jesus was born into the
world, to testify truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth will listen to his
The reality of God’s love does not waiver, fade, or fail.
The reality is the flesh and blood of Jesus. The reality is Jesus who says, “You say I am a king.”
In freedom, each of us proclaims our king by our choice of
love. Choices based on our truths - romance, friendship, family, or God’s love.
Only God’s love allows truth in all other love.
Choose Christ as King. Choose God’s love.
"God’s love is the Alpha and the Omega
the one that is and was and is to come, the almighty." God’s love is in our first breath and our last breath. It
is in each breath, the one that is, the one that was, and ones to come.
God chooses us with each breath, again and again and
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel to share God’s
selfless love for one another. Amen
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