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Monday, February 11, 2019

Dismissed - Homily 5th Sunday OTC

Tuesday, I visited a manufacturing plant in Shreveport. The plant manager told that he is from NW Ohio; so, being curious, I asked how he got to Shreveport.
He said for 20 years he worked for a large company. His employer was opening plants in Russia and wanted him to get the plants started.  
He refused to go so the company dismissed him (fired). Six years ago, he wound up in Shreveport.
As he told this story, we walked by a thermometer that read 80 degrees. He stopped, took a picture, and texted his daughter in NW Ohio. There, it was 5 degrees. This time of year in Moscow, Russia, temperatures average 19 degrees. That’s cold.
He thanks God for Shreveport.
Combine his story with the readings and I am reminded me of something from Deacon Formation that after the Eucharist, dismissal is a most important part of mass.
“Mass” means the dismissal. 
  • ·        Go in Peace.
  • ·        Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.
  • ·        Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
  • ·        Go forth, the Mass is ended.

I use an older version, Go in peace to love and serve the LORD.
These words are more than just saying “it’s time to go.” They are a call to mission. Take the Eucharistic in us, the Christ in us and live as an imitation of Christ in the world.
Do we or are we like Isaiah, Paul, and Peter and feel we are not worthy?
Isaiah -"Woe is me, I am doomed! I am a man of unclean lips, living among a people of unclean lips….
Paul -I am the least of the apostles, not fit to be called an apostle…..
Peter -Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.
Our words are similar before we receive Christ, repeating the words of the Roman centurion: “Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof….”
This unworthiness is not about shame. It’s easy to mistake the two. Unbelievers do.
True believers are not ashamed of God, faith, or what we believe. Feelings of unworthiness come from a realization of our insignificance after we experience God.   
Isaiah, Paul, Peter and each of us compare who we are and what we are to the God experience. Coming to mass, drawing closer to God, and partaking in the body of Christ is experiencing God in a way that allows us to understand we are far less than God.
To experience God is peace, forgiveness, and joy. Nowhere is shame.
Prophets, apostles, and true believers wonder how we could ever be worthy to bring the experience of God to His creation. All the earth is filled with His glory. We realize this, are afraid and feel unworthy.
Jesus said, "Do not be afraid.” God’s grace allows us to know the limits of our humanity, St. Paul said, I am what I am.
In spite of our limits, God’s grace is not ineffective. God’s grace is upon wicked and sinful people like Isaiah, Paul, Peter, and us. God’s grace makes us worthy. 
The Lord asks "Whom shall I send? “ Friends, answer, "Here I am Lord, send me!"
Bring what you have; all Peter had was a boat and fishing net. What we bring may not be fancy but God’s grace is enough.
After, that meeting in Shreveport, several people went to lunch. The manager bowed his head and asked blessing, a simple powerful message.
So, at the end of mass when the Deacon or Priests says the words of dismissal:
  • ·        Go in Peace.
  • ·        Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.
  • ·        Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
  • ·        Go forth, the Mass is ended. Or even
  • ·        Go in peace to love and serve the LORD.

Remember each of us is sent out like the prophets, apostles, and all the great witnesses of God.
Dismissed, we are sent to do great things.
We answer, “Thanks be to God.”
Be good, be holy, and go and announce the Gospel of the Lord by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

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