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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Simple Directions - Reflection 1st Friday Adoration - February

We had a Deacons meeting with Fr. Peter Mangum, the Diocesan Administrator. He told us not to preach a theology we have trouble understanding or one too sophisticated people can’t understand.
Fr. Peter has never heard me preach. I begin with stories about work, family, and even underwear, pretty much the opposite of sophisticated.
This is why.
Jesus preached of everyday life. He spoke so people were able to understand and did not preach without parables; but, He explained everything to his disciples in private.
He still speaks to his disciples through the Holy Spirit. He explains everything to us in the private of our hearts. Some explanations are deep and sophisticated; some a little less complicated.
If it truly comes from the Holy Spirit, truth is in each explanation.
For people of truth (priests, deacons, and you my brothers and sisters) it is our responsibility to bring this message to the world.
Like when 3500 people walked for life and for truth in our home town of Monroe, Louisiana. A community of many faiths and ethnicities walked for life and justice.
There was no jeering, chastising, or protest; but, that is not the way everywhere.
We’ve witness over the past weeks that those who say they are people of faith can express flawed theology by their actions. A theology of a god that does not care about every life, every moment, and every choice we make.
That is not my God. That is not my Jesus. That is not theology of the one whose truth is told in the importance of a tiny seed; and, the truth of the importance of a tiny seed of life made in the image of God.
Friends, God gave simple directions. Jesus told us how important we are to God. It’s not a complicated theology. Amen.

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