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Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Declare Peace - Reflection 14th Sunday OT C

There is a whole lot in the gospel of the sending of the seventy-two. One message is peace. So many are anxious about this world; it is the time to bring peace. It is a time for us to find peace.  
Peace is found in different ways. Most think of peace as absence of war and violence. There is also peace in a society free of civil unrest. Peace is found in family, friends, and communities were love abounds. Yet, we forget that true peace begins must begin in one’s self.
The truth to peace is no secret; but, it is a truth that is hard for the world. Peace is found in answering God’s call to share the good news that is the Kingdom of God.
It is a peace of inner tranquility and freedom.
That is the peace we must find it our self though Christ. Then we are to bring it to those around us in the community and society we live; sharing the peace that is a relationship with God through Jesus Christ with one another person. Realizing and sharing the peace found in the Kingdom of God. By that, one person can bring true peace to the world.
Jesus sent out seventy-two others in pairs to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He instructed them share their peace.
Sharing peace is promoting justice. Justice is respects the dignity and personhood in everyone. Since we are to share peace we must bring justice. Justice found in the truth each and every person is made in God’s image and is loved by God.
The virtue of this truth gives the justice of dignity. Dignity is the justice of recognizing the image of God in each person. Peace and mercy come to all who follow this rule.
Justice for all is not always popular. Peace is hard even for clergy and religious. All fall to the temptation and allurement of the world. It is hard to find peace when the world tell us it is not Jesus but stuff that will brings peace.
Temptation tries those with the closest relationship with God. It tempted Adam. It tempted Eve.
Jesus warned his disciples about this, “Do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
Peace is not found in possessions, but in prayer. Peace is not success feeding your ego; but, it is surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Peace is not found in any relationship made of this world; but, it is found in a relationship with Christ. Peace is found in recognizing truth, justice, and dignity. Friends, these are the building blocks of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus entrusts us with the same message given to the seventy-two. “Know this: the Kingdom of God is at hand.” That is a message we should declare to all, beginning with our self. .
But he also gave this this message, “Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this household.'” The household begins in each and every one of us.
Be good, be holy, and preach the good news of the Kingdom of God by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

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