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Sunday, July 21, 2019

What do you believe and Why - Homily 16th Sunday OTC

What do you believe and why? Sounds like a simple enough question.
At every mass, we proclaim what we believe in the Nicene and Apostle’s Creed.
“I believe in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only son, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.”
If you were asked that question outside of church what would your answer be? Would your answer include God, Christ, or any reference to faith?
I heard a preacher (T. D. Jakes) who I think had it right when he said people wear churchy clothes. They do and say churchy things. And, they go to churchy places. People will worship the Lord on Sunday and forget all about Jesus by Monday.
Friday night at dinner with my family and friends, some conversations had gotten silly. Two young men were discussing twinkies.
So, I asked this question. What do you believe and why?
One answered, I believe that twinkies are the best, they are so good.
I asked “What if you could choose a better way?”
He answered, nothing is better than a twinkie, unless it’s a fried twinkie.
He was being silly in that answer he gave to this Deacon. But, even for those in the presence of Jesus, that question is hard to answer.
In the readings from Genesis, the LORD blessed Abraham and said that his wife Sarah would bear a son. And even though Abraham and his wife Sarah were advanced in years, Abraham believed.
Sarah believed it was funny and laughed.
In the gospel, we have two sisters that have very different beliefs: Martha and Mary.
Martha, what do you believe and why? Martha believed in the loving kindness expected of good hosts and households of their time. Just like Abraham, she rushed about to make sure that the LORD was welcomed, was comfortable, and fed well.
Because of this, she was worried and anxious about many things. If everything wasn’t perfect, would people speak badly of her hospitality, family or manners? What if they ran out of wine or food?
Mary, what do you believe and why? Mary believed the most important thing was to be in the presence of Jesus. Why; because, He was the most important person in the room. He was the most important person she knew. She chose him, the better part to listen to his word and look upon the face of God.
The truth is they were both doing what was important.
All are called to serve like Martha. Just don't make a fuss or draw attention to it. Martha was worried about making sure there was enough food for the one who had turned water into wine and fed 5 thousand with a couple of fish and a few loaves of bread.
But, Mary focused on Jesus. Mary wanted to be near to the LORD and to adore the one who would change bread and wine into his body and his blood to feed us to eternity.
Most of the time, we tend to be like Martha.
Sometimes, I get too busy or hurried to take a quiet time for my holy hour of prayer, reading, and contemplation with Jesus. I get a phone call or someone is in need and rush off to serve. But when I miss that time with Jesus, it shows in my day and in my life.
Like Martha most tend to on things other than Jesus in their busyness of life. It’s like we have our churchy clothes; we do and say our churchy things and come to our churchy places. But, on Monday faced with all the anxieties of life, we forget the LORD.
Jesus told is disciples “Do not worry about your life, what you’ll eat, or about your body or what you’ll wear. Life is more than these things.”
In his letter to the Colossians, St. Paul tells us what he believes.
He believed he shared in the suffering and afflictions of the LORD for all believers, the Church. He was sent as a minister and servant of the LORD to bring the word of God. Why; because God chose to make the riches of his glory in Christ known to all.
Believe in the riches of God’s glory: Abraham believed and nine months later so did Sarah. And through Jesus Christ, Mary believed and Martha beleived. And Paul preached it.
If someone asked you what you believe and why; what would your answer be?
Yes we have the creed, but St. Paul sums up the creed: If we are believers, we proclaim Christ. It is Christ in you that is the hope for the riches of God’s glory.
Be good, be holy and preach the Christ in you by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen

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