Growing older, many reminisce about younger days and the exploits of
youth. Some things, we are proud and others we had rather forget.
Wisdom often comes with age. If only we could go back and relive those
times with the wisdom we have now!
If only we could relive our lives with the wisdom found in this verse from Sirach (7:3): “In whatever you do today remember your last
day. You will sin no more.”
If only the world knew those words today.
So few people are in church and there are many reasons. One reason is
Another is self-exaltation. People who think they don’t need Church. Some who were raised Catholic and have made
confirmation think they know everything they need to know; above us poor
Others identify as spiritual non- religious. Persons who have abandoned organized
religion because the Church is full of sinners. The Pope is wrong. Priests are
wrong. People in the pews are wrong. A person does not need religion or Church to
grow closer to God. It’s full of all those sinners.
In self-identity, they exalt themselves.
The truth is these mortal bodies live but one life; have but one death;
and all have suffering. And, we are all sinners. People fail to remember that
every person will have a last day.
There are those who exalt themselves above even this reality. Businesses
cater to people who feel they should live forever. They freeze their bodies or heads
to be resurrected in the future. They believe they don’t even have to die.
That is extreme; but, the truth is many exalt themselves to a point of
injustice to the poor, hungry, sick, and even sinners. Sadly, the world sees
this evidenced in people who call themselves Christians. Some even think this
is the way it should be.
There are Christians who think God should favor them. God should only
hear their prayers. Jesus is only their LORD and Savior. Jesus came only for
Just this this past week, I was told: “I am not like other (unnamed
denomination), I think Catholic’s go to heaven.”
There are preachers who preach this. There are pastors who pronounce these
words. There are Christians who believe these teachings.
That is wrong. They have forgotten the good news of the Gospel. That
good news that God the Father sent his son, Jesus Christ for the salvation and redemption
of the whole world. Jesus did not come for those who think they are special.
The LORD is a God of Justice who knows no favorites. All who come to God
in prayer and pour out their poverty like libations before the LORD, the LORD God
will hear.
The LORD hears the cry of the oppressed. He confronts the evil doers. He
is close to the broken hearted. The LORD God rescues those in distress. He
stands by us and gives us strength. Those crushed in spirit he saves. He
redeems his servants and those who take refuge in him.
St. Paul writes “In justice He will rescue us from every evil threat,
even from the lion’s mouth to bring us safely to His heavenly kingdom.”
All we have to do is pray about it.
But, prayer must come from a humble heart and not one that has exalted itself
above the poor; even the poor sinner. The one who serves God willingly is heard;
and, the most high responds justly and affirms the right.
So we hear Jesus parable to those convinced of their own righteousness
and who despised everyone else. It is a parable for today and those who exalted
themselves above the injustice of the world.
There are self-righteous, so lets us change the characters in the parable.
Two people went up to the temple area to pray; a Christian
and a sinner.
The Christian takes up his position and prays, O God, I
thank you that I am not like everyone else -- greedy, dishonest, adulterous -- sinners.
The sinner stands off at a distance, too ashamed to raise
his eyes to heaven, but with remorseful heart prays: Please God, be merciful to
me a sinner.
Jesus asks which one is justified; not the self-righteous,
for whoever exalts himself will be humbled and the one who humbles himself will
be exalted.
Now, return to wisdom from the book of Sirach. “In whatever you do today remember your last day. You will sin no more.”
The Church and religion, the wisdom of ages, has been full of sinners
since Adam, God hasn’t given up on it yet. It is never too late to humble
ourselves before God. The LORD hears the cry of the poor.
Be good, be holy, and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life
and love one another. Amen.