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Monday, October 7, 2019

Seeds- Scripture Reflection - 27th Sunday OTC

Each Sunday, before mass, the PSR teachers plant a little seed of faith in our children. Think about that and remember all those who touched us on our path of faith.
Someone planted a seed of faith in each of us who proclaims faith. Maybe, it was our parents. Maybe, faith grew from the witness of a catechism teacher or a friend or even when a complete stranger shared some act or example of their faith. Those acts of faith stirred a flame. Someone introduced us to the gift of God that is in us and to Jesus Christ.  Someone planted our seed of faith.
The PSR teachers and Children’s Liturgy minister are doing the same. As a community of parents, extended family, friends, and believers, each and every one of us should be encouraging and feeding the seeds of faith planted among us.
But, it can be hard to keep that flame burning.
The enemy is constantly trying to extinguish the flame. Look at the experience of our little church community the past few months. The flame is smothered by the experience of so many people in the world. And because of the work of the deceiver in the world, people blame God.
Look at the world and God does not intervene. Looking at the suffering, crisis, ruin, and strife all about us; people cry out, why Lord!!
Clearly, the news media revels in the ruin of society, moral corruption, and even humankind. All these make many, even persons of faith, hard of heart.
Many will cry out, God to take care of all that is wrong and bad. God fix all that is not in my favor. God solve all the problems in the world, especially, those problems that affect me. God, why don’t you do what we want? Change my own little world.
If God doesn’t do this, we get mad at God, at his church, and his people. We want God to do what we want.
That is why atheist point out that the God of most Christians is a magic invisible genie that grants our wishes. And, we want our wishes granted NOW!!!
And when it doesn’t happen like they want, hearts harden. People leave the Church. They give up on God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They give up on the community of believers that is their support. They leave the ones who stirred a flame of faith within them.
Like little kids on the playground, many take their ball and leave.
Because most that live in this world want to make God our servant and slave. People are mad at God our creator because he does not bow down to us.  It has always been that way. It is one of our shortcomings.
We are rash and without integrity. Scripture calls us hard hearted. The small seed of faith cannot flourish planted in a hardened heart.  You can’t stir a flame from a cold heart. 
There is hope in the crisis. That hope is in our hands or more appropriately in our hearts. It is the faith of those who truly believe.
Faith does not give us cowardliness to run from the challenges; but, it gives a spirit of courage, love and self-control in Christ Jesus. It gives strength for hardships through the richness of trust and help of the Holy Spirit.
True believers will fight the hardness that comes naturally to our hearts. Each of us had a mustard seed of faith planted deep inside of us when we were a child or an adult new believer. Some have faith that comes from being longtime friends of Jesus. If we as believers take that little seed of faith, wonders will be done.
Take it to the unrealized, tedious and underappreciated things the world ignores. As a people of faith, all we do in love of Christ is the right thing. As God’s adopted children, we honor, respect, and care for all our heavenly Fathers creations.
As true believer, what He commands of us gives the power to overcome all the hardships experienced in this world. We overcome all the lies of the deceiver by sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by in our lives and in our actions. In these things God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is there with us and in us and through us.
All we need is in us is a small seed of faith and the fertile loving heart of Jesus Christ.  The world is made better through us, by the unseen and ever present word of God.
God’s said through the prophet Habakkuk, “God’s vision has its time, presses on to fulfillment, and will not disappoint; if it delays, wait for it…”
In those words is the promise of the seed of faith planted in each believer. The seed of faith that moves mountains to change the world may be the one we gave to our children. Keep their faith and our faith growing in a fertile heart enriched by the love of Christ.
Be good, be holy and preach the Gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

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