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Monday, October 21, 2019

Prayer Warriors - Homily 29th Sunday OTC

As we sing the Gloria at the beginning of mass, I know what Moses meant when he said to Joshua choose certain men. God did not gift me with the best singing voice. I am out of tune and my tone is flat. But, during the Gloria I am surrounded by beautiful and joyful voices singing praise and glory to God.
First there is the entire Church community lifting their voice in praise to glorify God. To the left of Father is Ava, our altar server, who has a beautiful voice. To the right is our Cantor and musicians (Cathy, Jennifer, and Daniel) talented and gifted with wonderful voices. And next to me is Father Paul. I will say he sings better than I do.
Every week, I fight a battle of tone and tune to make a joyful noise to the LORD. I am blessed because my community loves me anyway.
Moses told Joshua to gather certain men to prepare for battle with the enemy who had come to wage war against Israel.
What enemy do we fight?
Some thing or someone or some circumstance is probably waging war against each of us. It attacks day and night. It hits with fear, uncertainty, or pain. This battle  is not from God. It is the enemy waging war against us.
It may be a financial battle. Maybe I'm in over my head with bills and expenses. I've lost my job. Medical bills are piling up. Collection agencies are calling and calling and calling.
I may be an emotional battle. Life is not where I want it to be. Maybe there is a marital crisis or a breakup or a divorce. Maybe loneliness attacks. We question who we are and why we are and where we are in life.
Maybe the battle is with health issues. The attack is cancer or heart problems or dementia or aging. It is our health or the health of our spouse, children,  parents, or friends.  
There are so many things that attack us and those we love. There is so much and so many that wage war against us. So we listen to the words of scripture.
Moses tells Joshua to prepare himself for battle by picking out certain men. Moses is telling Joshua to surround himself with people of faith. And, Moses stood above the battle field  with his arms raised, praying over Joshua and those men. As long as Moses held his arms up in prayer, the Israelites were winning. When he grew tired and his arms fell, the enemy was winning.
But, Moses had surrounded himself with certain people - Aaron and Hur, men of faith and priests of God. When Moses became weary and his prayers and arms fell to fatigue. Aaron and Hur held him up, one on each side. They joined Moses in prayer to give him strength.  And, Moses was able to pray without ceasing.
In the battle against the things that wage war against us, we should surround ourselves with certain people of faith. Using a term started by our protestant brothers and sisters, surround ourselves with prayer warriors.
These are the warriors who (as told in Timothy) will help us to remain faithful to what we have learned and believe. In this, we have the two great things to prepare ourselves for a battle against the enemy. These are faith in Jesus Christ and the scriptures inspired by God. By knowing these things we will be equipped for every good work. 
Know the strength and power of prayer. Know the love of Jesus Christ. Our armament is prayer. Our shield is the love of Christ. Our help is from the LORD who made heaven and earth our defender and our protection.  
In these, we are ready for battle. Most battles will be long hard fights. Be persistent in faith and prayer, whether it is convenient or inconvenient. Pray when rested. Pray when tired. Pray when time is abundant time and pray when time is rushed. Be surrounded with certain people to hold us up and strengthen our faith and prayers. Surround ourselves with prayer warriors.
Scripture tells us that God’s will is not our will.” And “God’s ways are not our ways.” Our prayers are not to change God’s will; but to prove God’s will. And, God’s will is that we know him and love him. By God’s will, we know God’s mercy.
Most importantly, pray without ceasing.
And, the LORD God who loves us will hear the prayer of His chosen ones (certain people, people of faith, prayer warriors) who call upon him night and day. God will see that justice is done, if, He finds faith in those prayers.
That is why we surround ourselves with certain people of faith; people persistent in faith and prayer. People, who will hold us up, support our faith and what we believe and have learned when we grow weary.
Friends this is a call for us to have that faith. It is a call to teach our families the strength of persistent faith and prayer. Pray for those who battle the enemy. Pray for our families and community. Pray for the Church.
Be prayer warriors. Be a certain people of faith that fights battles for our own. Pray without ceasing.
Pray for me. I will always pray for you.
Be good, be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one another. Amen.

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