Today, December 8th, is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. The Immaculate Conception is the
fact the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin. The
Immaculate Conception was not Jesus’ birth. It was about what was needed before
Christ became man. It was about a holy and pure vessel given to
us to carry Christ.
is also the second Sunday of Advent; John the Baptist
Sunday. The gospel tell us about him. He lived off locust and honey. He wore a
camel skin loin cloth and tied it with a leather belt.
went about in the desert preaching, "Repent, for the kingdom of
heaven is at hand!"
was a voice crying out in the wilderness.
Mary, He was one prophesied and needed before the
coming of the LORD.
was born into the wilderness of a world t full of sin. It was sin come to us from our first parents. The sin of disobedience, pride, and
worldliness that we all suffer from and it was also the sin of listening to the
things that tempts us to turn away from God.
we are victims of that sin. When Mary was conceived and came
into the world, people were victims of that sin.
When John the Baptist preached, people were victims of that sin.
are all sinners.
many worshiped at the altar of LSU football yesterday?
was there.
we drive about in our car, how many see homeless, hungry, men and women
who would take such joy to come in and sit in a warm house, watch television,
and eat all those football game day snacks.
And we in our cars just speed on by.
It's not that we think we are better than them, though some do. It's not that we
think that they are swindlers just out to get money, though some do. It’s
not so many things. The one thing probably true in this for many of us is we are
because of where we are physically and in our life. Scared because we imagined what
could happen. Scared because that person
we speed by on a dark night could be us.
how close we are to each other in this world. That’s how our lives are interdependent on one another. Are we homeless or not? The interdependence of people lives in justice and dignity are just a few steps away from being inside that speeding car or outside.
of fear, we turn our back on that interdependence and are unable to welcome those outside of us in the love and generosity of Christ.
Interdependence requires us to open ourselves, our hearts, and our
lives not because we are brave or empathetic or generous but for the glory of
God. Because in God is the spirit of
wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. He is where we discover a spirit of
counsel and of strength.
is where we find the spirit to understand how we are all interdependent on one
another as is all of humanity.
may not have realized the interdependence between him and the messiah to come. But
there was some things he did know. John knew about interdependence. He was a voice of one crying out in the wilderness. He knew the interdependence of the baptism he proclaimed and the forgiveness of sins. He knew the interdependence
of the relationship of people around him.
And, if John saw us here in this church, would
he see Sadducee and Pharisee. Would
he call us out? Would he slay the wickedness in us?
he tell us - Produce good fruit as evidence of your repentance?
can fail at that. We were not born without original sin. We have that inside of us from our first
parents. The sin of disobedience, pride, and worldliness that we all suffer
from and it was also the sin of listening to the things that tempts us to turn
away from God.
answer the LORD gave to us was to be like Mary. To be washed clean of sin by the
baptism that John the Baptist preached.
wants to be free of sin. God wants us to be an immaculate
and pure vessel for the Christ that is in us; made immaculate in baptism
by appearance shall he judge, nor by hearsay shall he decide, but he shall
judge the poor with justice, and decide aright for the lands afflicted.
wants us to come to him. Come today. Come to be reconciled.
Come to be filled with the spirit of courage,
knowledge, and strength needed to bring to the interdependence between
each and every one of us.
will always be those dependent on us. There will always be those dependent on us
to know Christ. There will always be those dependent on us for a better life,
for justice, dignity, and for love.
each of us examines our life, we will see we need the same.
good be holy and preach the gospel by the way you live your life and love one
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